The MIT is 1: The Masachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the best score of the global allocation of the USA.Impricinal College in London’s Imperial College: In second place, Imprician College in Londoning scores 98.5 score in Londoning London, the global academic strength was displayed.Oxford Activers: Anxford Oxford Oxford Oxford influenced 98.5 in the UK.Harvard University: Carry the Harvard University of USA 96.8.University of Cambridge: The overall score of the University of Cambridge in the UK was the fifth spot in the total rankings.Stanford University: Stanford University in the USA is stanford University of 96.1 in the Sixen and Innovation and Academic Riggore.The Syrich: The Swiss Institute scored 93.9 runs in the event of 93.9 in the academic strength of Europe and is seventh.National University of Singapore (NUS): NUS)UCL (University College London): The UCL maintained 91.6 in the 191.6 in the UK’s premier universities.Calitech Top 10: California Institute of Technology (Caltech) scored 90.9 runs in the USA.