Bebastu is taking his tasks against LFI activists


Sebastian Jibreel’s Budget to Sebastian Jibreel has raised his responses to be the violence against LFI activists on Wednesday on Wednesday. (Beno Ji and Sebastian Gibreel)

Politics – Sebastian Gekreel, Socialist selected in the Town Hall of Marsane, the violence of two LFI activists. The case led by Bena Jeeir Jeeir Mayor on Thursday March 13 “His Representative group and all his municipal responsibilities”.

Habaskton Jibreel was suspended in police custody on Tuesday. “No more than 8 days” On January 18, competitions are matches.

In the 16th decade streets of the city, they were accused of attacking two LFI activists in the full collage session.

“Motherhood is an important behavior document”

Sebastian Jibreel Liata, which is found on Thursday after 48 hours of police custody, was found on Thursday “Create calmly” The defense of his client.

So the court accepted the Court: Sebastian and Henry Gibreel and two others will be tried at 8:30 at 8:30 pm. Four accused are under the judicial supervision.

Sebastian Gibreel was a sports assistant announced on Thursday announced Thursday “He retired in Sebastian Jibreen and all his municipal responsibilities. This decision made “Foreseing the fruit of legal proceedings, It said “Motherhood is a behavior needed for public mandates.

“The same political leaders who witnessed the same political activists who witnessed the same firm acters who witnessed the same firm acters who witnessed justice for violence for violence.The Benasite is added.

The matter of Sebastian Deobu

This comment aims that in February was convicted in February in Philigary “Violence” In 2023, the sides of high school sanctions against two national education executives.

This lack of Sebastian Delo you hear Thursday “Relatives” Sebastian Jeeberbial against two LFI activists who came to be firm in posters in the north side of Marsail. Individuals “The testimony of the testimers is the testimony of the principles, critical and principalSebastian delogue said in a statement.

Judicial control imposed on four accused, lawyer for LFI activists, he said (Its) is a hypervigilor to ensure that the customers are unlikely to be unlikely to be unlikely, so the next hires can go calmly.

So the future of Sebastian Jibreel has been suspended from these legalities. In 2020, Marsil brings the spring, left and value of Marseil, but not the LFI, but scored the Central Town Hall of the LFI’s Central town of Marsane.

In the Legislative Election Legislative elections, a candidate against the Sebastian Deloing, Sebastian Deloing, Outgoing Beno Joint.

And to see Huffpost :

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