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Tokyo (AP)-Yoshiko Abe is 89 years old, but it does not prevent her from going to the gym every day and from trying to free her home in her home premises.

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“It was very helpful,” he said, glowing all the smile after wearing the foundation and pink lipstick, something he didn’t do over the years.

Japan is the fastest old community in the world, where its population is 65 and more, 36 million people. In about a decade, the rate will be one -third.

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A growing goal like Japan Inc has estimated that the market for the elderly will grow up to 100 trillion yen ($ 650 billion) this year. Bank.

The business is not about the solutions for diseases and the homes of older persons, but tapping on solid consumers. The development of artificial intelligence and robotics makes such services and promise to gadgettri.

Akira Shimizu, a business professor at the University of Kio, calls them “cool grandparents and beautiful grandmother”, and they are sensitive to tendencies, including the latest luxury and health products.

“They think about clothing and makeup that expresses their style,” he said.

Shimiz said that the elderly are active in luxury trips and “Oldes” rock concerts these days, and go out on the dates and dates, so companies are upgrading the fact that they want to be dressed and look great.

Maintaining one’s appearance is a good physical exercise, because it requires hand agitation to open the cosmetics tubes and pulls the eyebrows well, and the massage of the face receives one’s salivary glands, says Japanese cosmetic company Macover class instructor Miva Hiraku.

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Shaisido Co., which started as a pharmacy in 1872, said that makeup is not only for your physical well -being but also your soul. The company is conducting free cosmetic courses for the elderly nationwide.

Hiraku said, “At the beginning of your day, it acts as a switch to make your energy to run your energy,” he said.

“This is not just beautiful. This is about living a long healthy life, ”he said.

Yoshihiko Hota, the only man in the 30 -year -old class, did not attempt the Rugai, but happily went with all the exercise practices.

Although he acknowledged that he felt some of the aging, such as sore legs, he confidently declared: “I don’t think age is appropriate.”


Yuri is in the texts: https://www.threads.net/↕yurikageyyama

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