Bartos węglarczyk. Węglarczyk’s duties were acquired by Onet’s Vice President – Andrej Stanquich, Bave ławiński and Krzysstof Magak. The journalist is returning to work in the editorial office after May.
Read more: Onet’s leader disappears from the editor for several months
In an interview with our website, Waklersick agreed that this was a planned long holiday: “I’m very tired. I haven’t been on a long vacation for nine years. Since I am in Raspil, I was on a two -week vacation. I am going to relax now and give me more time for my wife, write a book”.
Węglarczyk’s confession of the journalist’s evil from a long holiday is very surprising. General knowledge advises that the act of acting in such mode is not only ignorant but also bravery.
– As part of opposing burning professional employees, we started the possibility of sapattical leave a year ago. The possibility of using a full -time interval in the work that lasts three to six months, has especially vulnerable persons for long -term pressure, responsible for the pressure and high levels of results. Many people have benefited from this kind of holiday – Ringyar Axel Springer Bolka’s Corporation Communication Director Wirtualnemedia.PL Carolina Snajor said.
How many people are thinking of acting as Węglarczyk – these individual cases, which are the remnants of the Jatol culture, the older generation, or the more people like this?
However, it seems that something has grown for many years, which is marked by the increasingly marked ‘sapadical’ period of the mysterious sounding ‘sapadical’, which means that many months are nothing but a gap from work, and it is returning to it.
Read more: Extra payment holiday? It is still rare in Polish companies
As defined, published in Alio, the sapattical long (Several weeks or several months) a holiday that the employee can continue after a pre -agreement with the employer without slowing down from work. The boss decides about its length. However, it is the employee who decides how he will use this time.
Saptical in Poland is rare
– These spaces usually fall from three months to one year. The systematic conditions that go to the employee sapphire are determined individually and are determined by the internal policy of the company and the employee negotiation skills. As a rule, this gap is free and the employer does not pay the health insurance of the employee, but it depends on the policy of the company Status for wirtualnemedia.pl.
How the chapatical is treated from the proper side depends on the system and the country you work with.
– This is basically that the employer does not pay any fee, which means that it is the so-called SO-. As far as foreign cases are concerned, the employees simply stopped the contract, which is basically no longer a Sabbath. However, when returning to the company, I do not meet cases for the company will not hire an employee again after a break -Praban-Olkovska.
As Olgovska says: “In Poland, this tool is rarely practiced. When the employee has health problems, he benefits from a sick leave. However, in terms of personal needs, employees are unlikely to use this type of solution.”
Polish bosses may lose not only the employee, but that the company is a tool used by the company.
– In the eyes of the employer, the chapatical is the most attractive tool, because many employees join the development plans at the time or act as a volunteer, and the employee gains a new experience and perspective for the company. Except that Increases the Saptical Employee FaithWho appreciates the fact that he has the opportunity to return to work even if Firman-Olkovsa returns to a different position than before.
How is this in the Polish yard?
Importantly, if approved by sapattikal, the employer accepts the risk of the employee’s income, which is why this tool is sent to employees established in the company.
– According to my observations, The company is practiced by employees with good -post employees in the company, which means they have strong, standard relationships with a strong performance and development and employer. This belief is necessary because the employer must plan a share for this person after sending Firman-Olkovsa back.
When it turns out, Polish employees usually do ‘sapatical’That is, they decide to break their career in their career, not during the remedy associated with any employer.
People who determine such a solution come. One of them Dagna vuiscaAccount expert w A houseThis, as part of the break from professional life, spent a year in Brussels.
– I got the opportunity to create me a year ‘break year’. I dreamed that I had to go to Erasmus throughout my studies. Business Systems, Student and Magazine Programs, Music School – Going to the cycle of activities – I have never seen this dream to realize this dream. Finally a project appeared a few years later: Brussels. Traveling, strengthening music and language campuses, and my interests that show the global business trends. What about my growth path in Poland? Looking back, I only see the benefits of this decision – Dagna Vioiazka says.
He came out of a similar assumption Staniswa Michael, Poland of Growth and Transformation Director W. Publis GroupIt decided to take the annual professional interval and visit the world after many years of professional adventure in London:
– We decided on a year’s journey with the then partner. We found that this was a good time for the reset before returning to Poland and taking a new job. We traveled to Australia, New Zealand, French Polyphenic, Indonesia, which are the places where there is no visible places during a short holiday. We postponed for a few months on the journey and decided to spend these savings on travel and experience – rather I do not regret this decision.
Read more: This year, one -third of the poles will be at home this year
What gives such a gap?
In the queue psychologist Vojsech Mirz used a professional interval twice. For the first time he went to Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines, where he spent 4 months. After the break, he returned and continued to run the company with the partner. He decided to stay in Poland for the second time.
– My first sabbatical, ie staying in hot countries, redefined my previous dream, which was a permanent life in one place. I realized that I would like to live in Poland among the people I know and love and that it was the most important relationship to me. I realized that these previous desires about moving were a form of escape from problems and challenges, not a real need. I understood this because I took a break and took the distance – Vojsech Mirz says.
The results of a professional breakdown are not easy. Besides, not everyone can buy it. First You have to have money for a time when you don’t have work. Second, you must have the courage and hope that the absence will not stop our professional growth. Here, when the boss announces that there is something to return to the employee.
However, as the stories of our speakers show, even though they have not used a common sapling, they have easily found employment again. In any case, the interval and distance from the work was adjusted with the professional path of our speakers.
– I saw my professional life analyzically, described the new goals, and made a difficult decision to change the professional profile. BR, I spent a few beautiful years, was always attractive to me, but I finished this ‘relationship’ with satisfaction and smile on my face, and I develop in the media and marketing – admits Vioiazca.
Frost came to similar results:
– A gap, detachment from duties, leaving from professional programs, gaining distance, allowing you, your life, and reflecting, whether we do our true needs, or the feeling that is fulfilled, the happiness or redefinition of some aspects. I Thanks to the second chapter, I understand that I would like to change the functioning of the operating director to the Board Advisor. This result was possible because I stopped chasing, stopped, and saw everything on the side.
Is ‘Sapattical’ a good result?
Are our speakers regrets a professional gap? What did they give them distance from professional life?
– This journey enriched me multi -culture, added courage, created networking, resulting in valuable friendship and business acquaintance, I have kept it to date. I felt a little like returning to the school bench in Brussels – not only during French classes and courses, but also in a common approach for life, education, work and business. Belgians work-life balance, well-being, family life, meetings with friends, travel. ‘Full -time work, goal, from the deadline to the world, where the rhythm is balanced, allowed to understand nature and my own needs – Vuayasa says.
A similar assumption comes from a microscope, which indicates that short holidays do not allow your thoughts to tear from professional obligations:
– Cleaning a long space head, not looking at work, stay away from professional duties, focus on you, allows you to learn to prioritize your growth and preferences. It allows you to understand the importance of work. At a latter stage, after returning – at least in my case – it made it easier for your professional and personal life to be emotionally managing, so that there would be a place for both worlds.
For now, the sapattic in the Polish version is a very emotionally extended space between one job and the other, which is a long, free vacation obtained with the end of the employer. However, as the stories of our speakers explain, the spaces of this type are needed, perhaps even needed, considering mental health and prevention. Do Polish employers take an example from the West and open this type of solution?
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