The Rio de Genhim has jailed up to 1 year and Fernando Antonio Sorseno Sorsenon Sorseno and Jose Da Funskotin and Josa Funskotin and Josa Funska Martins were jailed for 1 year. In the federal police operation, the Federal Police, March 2021. Arrests were canceled, but the magistrate remained compensation from their task.
Salaries were made in total values 6.7 million. With the discounts, the salaries collected were $ 4.7 million, and why is this effectively falling into the judges’ account.
In many months, the rewards have been exceeded in the Constitution. Salary has risen with complementary funds through the basic allowance, finalizing and personal rights), because it is not given the computation of the ceiling calculation.
From the most valuable activity, expensive (net values) from the most expensive work (net values), enabled in 2021, without applying any forensic activity during this period:
– Marcos Pino Da Cruz – 1.3mill;
– Jose Da Phoenyska Martins Jonair – R 1.5 million;
– Fernando Antonio Soresenon Da Silva – 1.8 million.
In three magistants, the sentence was sentenced to 20 years in prison last week. Supris of Justice (STJ) Special Court (STJ) definitely ruled that their positions will lose their positions – all judicial appeals will be decided only after all judicial appeals were exhausted. At the same time, they continue, and remain rewarded.
The judges were convicted of corruption, fraud and money. Marcos Pino Da Cruz was in jail for 20 years and 3 months; Jose Da Phoenyska Martins Jonair, 16 years 3 months; Fernando Antonio Soresenon Da Silva, 10 years and 5 months.
Pearpalo Cruise Boatsini, which represents the judge marks Pinto Darius, said
Fernando Anrano Sorenon has tried to contact the statement of the defense of the defense of the defense of the defense of the defense of the defense of Fernando Soreva.
Insrough the judges in 2021, the judges have started a corrupt project and canceled in 2021.
Therefore, according to the lawyer’s office in the Attorney General Office: The social organizations and companies who receive values accepted values from the Rio States provided in the former governments. Therefore, payments have not been handed over to companies. The money deposited in a judicial account.
The deviation was conducted via Legislative legal institutions associated with the Attorney General Office (PG) legalizers related to legenders. The legitical contracts between legal institution, companies and social organizations to justify fee payments. But a portion of the money is really back to the magistrates.
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