The Bafta -2 awards ceremony was held at the Royal Hall of the London Festival and the winners of the film were announced.
The “Secret Meeting” and “Shield” films split the major awards of the British Film Academy (Bafta 1), each received four awards.
Edward Berger won the “Secret Meeting” or “Cardinal Assembly” Best Film Award, Best British Film, Best Adapt Screenplay and Best Editing from Bafta Awards.
In the final stages of the festival, this was the best director’s award to be a Best Director Award and Adrian Prodi won the Best Actor Award. He also won the Best Shooting Award for Level Crooli, and Daniel Bloomberg won the best soundtrack for the best soundtrack.
Jack Odiyar’s “Emily Perez” also won a successful night and won the Best Non -Language Awards and Best Supported for Jui Saldana. In their speeches, film director Jack Odiyar praised Carla Sofia Kaskan, the star of the film, but did not mention the media controversy around him.
The winners of the awards event were introduced as follows:
Best Movie: “Secret Meeting” or “Cardinal Assembly”
Best British Image: “Secret Meeting” or “Cardinal Assembly”
British’s author or director or producer’s best creation: “ghee cap”
Best Non -Engine: “Emily Perez”
Best Documentary: “Super/M: Christopher Rio Story”
Best Cinema Animation: “Wallace and Group: Chicken Revenge”
Best baby and family movie: “Wallace and Grumit: Chicken Revenge”
Best Director: Brita Culinary
Best Original Screenplay: Jessie Eisenberg’s “real pain”
Best Adapt Screenplay: “Secret Meeting” or “Cardinal Assembly” by Peter Stroan
Best Actress for Woman: Mike Madison for Anura Movie
Best Actress Man: Adrian Prodi for Prochenstist Movie
Best Supporting Actress: Jai Saldana for Emily Perez
Best Support Actor: “For Real Pain” Kiran Calkin
Best casting: “Anura”
Best shooting: LOL Crooli for “brutal”
Best Editing: Nick Emerson for “Secret Meeting” or “Cardinal Assembly”
Best Dress Design: Taswell Bridge for “Evil”
Best Face: Pear-Girin, Stephanie Kilon, Fedredk Arjuvelo, Marilyn Oscarley “Matter”
Best Soundtrack: Daniel Bloomberg for “brutal”
Best View Design: Nathan Crooli and Lee Sandals for “Evil”
Best Sound: Ron Bartlett, Duck House, Gareth John and Richard King “Dolmens: Part Two”
Best Special Effects: Paul Lambert, Stephen James, Raiser and Reese Salekombe “Dolmens: Area Two”
Best British Short Animation: “Wow for Surprise”
Best British Short Film: stone, paper, scissors
Emergency Star: David Johnson
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