At the outset of his home was shot dead a neighbor to the murder trial

In the trial before sands or Court of Sandso Courts, Arbit Kuman, 2023 and Rs 2023 was Arabic He killed his neighbor that the 59-year-old Jessim Dodoli was down his home with bulldozer. In San Paulo, in the hamlet of the Municipality of Assoca.

The Assignment Court was formed by President of President of President of Latures, Gogoa Joint, Jeorio Margery and six GGE. The previous was quite technical listening. The court confessed to all the lessons mentioned by the parties

The accused did not in the Sandro Mutronic classroom. He would have acted His guardians to defend himself and his family. According to civil parties, the manner would start shooting before Bulldozer launching his house attack. Civil parties requested the transcription of the call and the 1122. The hearing has been updated to April 8: Public Prosecutor Lara Thadi will take care of the lessons mentioned.


January 5, 2023 evening Mumbhany and his family were in their home when the boldosur was attacked with bulldozar Written Geim Dodolly. With an excavation, the victim began to destroy the victim after he conquering four cars in the square. That point was magnai, the hunting rifle smear, five shots kill the neighbor.

Carabimenii, who was arrested for voluntarily murder. Gielia Felini releases him a few days after the preliminary inquiry Legal resistance. Public prosecutor Laura Thra Tadda said that everything was eager to procure in storage

Disturbed at that time: According to the Guip Clayodio Lores, Guip Claudiio Lara’s Lara Lara is not a gulp of fair defense or fair defense. The judge asked the office of prosecutor office to proceed with a new charm: voluntarily murder. The new primary argument began since this theory of the crime, which ended with the request for crime on January 24.

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