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The Morman Church provided an open house in the newly renovated temple of Jesus Christ of the Saints, the post-Known for the post-Known by the Saints, in an attempt to remove any “magic” about their religion.

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The church opened a temple, one of the 200 people around the world on Monday. The building, located on Pramalia Road, is dedicated again in March. 23, only members can enter it.

Tour Host and Elder Matias said, “Temples (there) special ceremonies,” said the non -members of a meeting at a meeting home.

“This is not a secret in the temple. It is sacred,” he said. “So before the dedication, we want to come to all those who are interested and to see it. There is an interest in it because some Visual (such as) said, ‘What happens in the temple?’ Therefore, we can only enter it to make it open.

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Beginning on Thursday, the general members are invited to tour the church until March 8.

In addition to temples from the church headquarters in Salt Lake City, there are 30,000 junction houses or churches around the world, except for the “very sacred” temples, where the members worship on Sunday.

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Before a visit to the local meeting house on Monday, the temple started at the temple, where special occasions such as weddings and baptism take place.

Everyone should log in before pushing the white clothing (referring to cleanliness) and their cell phones.

The temple is the most sacred place of the temple, where it is not allowed to speak, but meditation is promoted.

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The room that is beautiful is baptism, where a small circular pool is attached to the marble, with 12 bulls – with fiberglass – support it.

Everything is made in delicious pale yellow, pink and cream colors, and there are bright lights, chandeliers and stain glass windows. Changes have been set up in four instruction rooms and six sealing rooms.

The Morman Church provided an open house in the newly renovated temple in the church of Jesus Christ-Prampton, which is known as the Morman Church, which is known as the Morman Church.
The Morman Church provided an open house in the newly renovated temple of Jesus Christ of the Saints, the post-Known for the post-Known by the Saints, in an attempt to remove any “magic” about their religion. (Photo provided)

One year to renovate the 5,010 square meter temple. There are 17 million post -day saints in the world, 3.5 million in Uta and 55,000 in Ontario.

“We believe in Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ is in the center of our faith,” Held pointed out the numerous paintings of Jesus Christ hanging on the walls of the temple.

The other latter day holy temples are currently operating in eight cities across Canada: Halifax, Montreal, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmanton, Calgary, Cartston, Alta., And Vancouver. Lethbridge, Alta, and Victoria, BC.

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