As for this 13 year old, where is the compassion of these people?

Let us consider how you can handle such a situation during the PIS regime. The media will be shown from the canon of all children, “Prof. Meizzysław Riba. I emphasize that this is not one or another policy of the film’s release but unreeel release says, “says our interlockeder.

At the end of January, CBA. Autism spectrat gave a 13-year-old son at home. Until the father lets the father look after the father he was taking care of the boy’s family. As a result, patients lost their parents care for some time. This happened in a situation that the doctor who looks at the teenager was the main ingredient of the child’s therapy. Prof. Moizzysła is going on the rhymes of humanity all the standards of humanity.

MS, Fr. Michael Allowsky. We remember how MP Sembaxiskki laughed in Zibicy Seoba’s illness. Such behavior is due to a cold political game, and many people evaluate, but from unrenen hatred. After all, there is a compassion in such situations. It seems that these feelings appear in the big part of their most radical voters. This situation means our political scene becomes a band

– Prof. Meizzysław rib.

Read this: with us only with us. The mother was arrested by a touch of 13-year-old son! “I felt a shock”

It causes from their hatred

Anna W. Anna W. Anna W.

Dear mother! Three days after this unpleasant situation. I decided to send you a letter. (…)

I woke up soon after entering the congregation. First I was not worried because I thought it was not notified my friends. (…)

I was lying in bed all this time, I didn’t know what to do. When they entered my room I fainted with stress. Weird, they didn’t pick up my laptop but went to phone services. I knew what happens and I tried to miss something. I heard you’re going with them. That was more weakened. (…)

When I saw you and dads and dad go up to two different cars, I felt a joke (shattering on my back, etc.) I was kidding

Anna WM wrote a 13-year-old woman who was placed in two months.

Lecturer in Catholic University. Moizzysław Ryba has no words to describe this situation.

Let us consider how you can handle such a situation during the PIS regime. This will be considered an international level. The media will show you one who escapes all children’s canones. We handle their entire political class and liberal media in the market now. This is the main reason that no one cares for this situation. Although PIS politicians do not have any relationship with her, the hyperticory of Pavelis Audhamovicus will be enough to remind you. In this case, cannot be able to see such sensitivity

– Says our interlocked operator.

This atmosphere is concrete. I emphasize that it is not one or another policy in the field of cinemakers but a real reluctance and normal

– Professor assesses. Former Ombudsman and Prosecutor to respond to such a shocking human tragedy, such a shocking human disaster.

He was able but he does not want to make such decisions because he was stressed from this environment. Before the previously soft, he is afraid to take a scary risk in the acquisition of the Roman Geetic Ministry. So Bodnar is a spokesman for the interests of the current strength and environment

– Summarizing professor. Meizzysław rib.

Read this: with us only with us. The father of the 13-year-old father speaks his son’s letter to her mother “The child’s disaster walks in front of my eyes”


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