As a slavery victim, now exceeding deportation now: a Seafarer’s Ukkara Ordess | Modern captivity

WExperienced merchant Simen, who was experienced in India in November 2017, he expects a good job in a Belgian Tanker, which helps engineers. There was a 15-month contract and a transit visa, and enabled him to go to Milford Haven in Wales.

However, in the last minute change of the project, the Mumbai Agent said to go to South Sakx in West Sassex in England.

Something wrong, he felt, but his agent would leave the tanker. Sharma tried to interact with Mursee’s captain. “I told him, ‘It’s not my ship. I am not a fisherman.’

“I felt alone,” says Sharma, 32 Sharma says.

In the sea, there is no easy way. Unless work was threatened by the deportation.

“They told me, ‘We will call the police, you don’t have the correct documents, you will go to jail.’

“This is a very dangerous job,” he says. You can’t argue with the Captain when the ship is stolen and pitch. anything could happen. You are in the sea. That is frightening. “

For the next three weeks he worked up to 18 to 20 hours without security equipment or proper food, he claims. He had some access to the bathroom and developed all the issues of Meuria.

His ordeal was expected after being changed to another boat, and there are other immigrant fishing and treated the police poorly. When Boat is done in Portressmouth, the immigration officers and the Sharma took others to the police station. “Can you describe what happened to you? They said, ‘We are with you. You are in the UK in a secure country.'”

He agreed to help Sharma as a victim of modern captivity and evidence in the criminal case. “I wanted to stay in the UK to live until I get justice,” he says.

Sharma appeared in a BBC Documentary, Revelation: slavery in the seaBroadcast in 2024. The BBC was one of the 35 people owned by TN Trolliders and Sister companies, between 2012 and 2020.

But justice is ambiguous. TN tralasses were the subject of two long criminal investigations, but there was no trial of human trafficking or modern slain.

Crown Office of Scotland Approved That Sharma is a victim of a crime. But the criminal inquiry was abandoned after criminals in a video.

Now the years who helped the authorities of Scotland, Sharma faces deportulation to India, he fears his life in danger. The word of his agents in Mumbai have won the word in Mumbai as he spoke to the police. He says he was threatened by father agents. He suffered from depression.

Hueraj in Bradford’s son with her son Hueraj. Photo: Gary Calton / Observer

In this legal limbo, he built a life on Bradford. He conducted a business student and Indian national for the appropriate shop frondents. In December 2020 they had Humraj.

“She’s my wife, my best friend, she gave me moral support,” he says.

In the letter sent to Sharma and his family in February, the home office was rejected their shelter claims, said to leave the UK. This said: “It is estimated that a subjective fear of returning to India is not objectively.”

The Joy Gilospi has done all these men who supported the 35 migrant fishermen in the documentary of the BBBC. But when it does not work, they are just getting a price. Give it. “

The International Transformation Federation Federation Federation Federation of Federation, the Federation Federation of Federation, Black is a “blind place for migrant workers’ employment exploitation.

“Unfortunately, what happened to Vite,” Williams say. The ITF is to include fishermen in the new state implementation agency of the government Employment Right Bill Going through Parliament.

In the sea, immigrant workers in the bowls owned by TN Traals and its sister companies and its sister companies. Photo: BBC

Stepani Hill, Carolin Octon, Leine and Lye Days are investigating a number of claims for migrant fishermen.

The migrant fishermen, sea chiefs, the sea chiefs and the modern office for mandatory breaths are not separating the police and modern office for other types of modern slavery.

In the case of Sharma, the spokesman for crown offerings and praccuretural financial services were considered carefully, because we cannot prosecute because of insufficient evidence. The findings of a free review supported the original decision. More areas of investigation recognize and are under consideration. “

“A spokesman for the home office has decided to mock the plague of modern slavery:” The victim of modern slavery is a special process of eligible for a person. “

Guardian said TN trollers don’t no longer exist. The legal representative of the TN Group said they did not want to comment in this article.

Last year, spokesperson for TN group Told BBC Discerned suggestions that workers have behaved badly and that the modic slavery.

This always said the workers are always free and residence.

“Experience of our workers is to treat well and rewarded well. In some cases we argue with over a decade.

We decide to accuse modern slain and human trafficking, and our many recognitions and long-term workers are proof. “

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