Azerbaijan and Armenia declared a peaceful agreement at a three-year conflict. Caused two open wars between the two countries.
“The discussion of the peace treaty with Armenia has successfully ended,” Foreign Minister Jeuhun Beramov told the media.
After the Armenian diplomacy, then the Armenian was confirmed immediately to set up the peace agreement, and the surviving “date and place”.
However, the Azerbaijan was criticized instead of making a joint.
An important phase of Armenian Prime Minister Nicole is defined as “an important step”.
“This should be a compromise, peace contract,” he added.
The two countries contested for the control of Nagaronno Karbaq region, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union gained Armenia and Azerbaijan in 2020.
Ansero Army The entire area reserves the entire area, bathing from Armenian separatists and a flash vessel in September 2023.
In addition to the lightning of 2023, the encounter confrontation has been recorded since the 1991. Russia, the European Union and the United States are included in various intermittents.
Thanks to Armenia, rich, rich, rich and funded Azerbaijan and contact, who received the commitment to Nagaron or commitment to Nagaron.
Armenia was already approved in the sovereignty zone.
Following Asar Lamko attack on September 2023, September 2023, the region left the Armenian ethnic population of Naganro and Karabak.
Despite their military alliance, he alleged that he had helped her to help her with Azirbaiiah. As a result, Erakad aims to enter the EU to enter the Union.