Anne Kurtis is supported by Sandy’s Act Bill

A girl died from a jellyfish bite.

SI sand with six-year-old SI

When Jellyfish child was a victim, their family was on vacation.
As a result, Sandy was in the hospital that has faced global development following health effects.

They are Agadon because of the equipment and medicinal purposes
Due to the incident, the Senetor Risa entered the bill Senate.

He called it as a sand law, and there it is’ the host ‘which shows it’ Anan Curtis Promotional Act.
In Annie’s post, what happened to her, she returned to her memory when she was ‘diceel’ fantasy in Battangas.

The 2014 occurred.

He said he had the victim of jelly fish.

Ayaiyas, “I can tell you that it was a brush of the end of 3 tents.

He was going to arrest cardiac to what happened to him.

Ang “, including the” law of “Sandy’s law, hotels, water parks, including emergency medical services. (Beth Jelena)

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