Andhra Pradesh MP announced Rs 50,000, and the cow won the third kil

Telugu Desam Party MP Calicety Appliances Rs 50,000 in Andhra Pradesh announced the incentive of the cow Give birth to a third childAn unemployed state information and Public Relationship Department.

In an incident in an international women’s day, MP would be given to a woman if a girl would be given a girl from his payoff. If the boy is a boy, she will give her a cow.

The same day is the chief minister N Chandrabha Naidu All employees will be allowed to allow all employees and mortgage damage not to consider the number of children Decan Herald.

So far, women employees have won six-month-style movement for the first two deliveries.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister should be followed by Demographic growth With the offers given to the offers given to a third child, “said the Appelloid Indian Express. “We are asking for women to have more children, we will encourage encouraging if the third child is born.”

In the last months, concerns that the Andhra Mistress rituals of Andhra Pradesh were raised in many cases.

On January 6, Naidu prompted to learn from the South Korea and Japan Birth rates Have declined significantly by Today India. He also pointed out that the hurry in the state is 1.5 in the state’s Chittoor district.

He said that the couple is now decided that there are children in favor of personal wealth. “If your parents had thought so, will you come to this world now?”

In November, the Andhra Pradesh Assembly canceled from three decades More than two children Urban is from contesting the Local Self Government Selection.

In the context of the total fertility rates in the state, in the context of the total fertility rates, it was against 1.6. The population of children under the age of 15 declined to 28.60 per cent in 2015.

Naidu appealed to families in October Consider that there are more children.

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