“We made it more difficult to lose the unwanted balls found in constantly. If they scored 2-0 runs, the game may be out of control
“We had our opportunities while the game is progressing, but we need to improve our attention and concentration. We always need to see for improvement.
“The balance is equal, a mistake may be expensive. We wanted to complete the game before fine, but here we fight like a routine and in dispute.”
Atletito of the Atlanto’s Wanda Metropolino’s home-16 draw balance in the Home Maidan came to the last-16-year level of the last-166 draw balance at the last-166 draw balance. The Midfielder Convened Antonio Rurulunnovenurer was converted to early second leg match from the Konnor Gallergar.
On Wednesday night, India’s Emirates Stadium in London’s Emirates Stadium is 2-2 in total success.
After 7-1 success, after 7-1 success, after 7-1 win after 7-1 winning 7-1, the progress was already shot.
In 18 minutes, Evan Perceic replied in 18 minutes in 18 minutes.
Although declared Arsenal, the Arsenal was issued from the front of Arsenal, but PSV won a very better display.
10-Man Club Brags 10 Man Club Brags The Aston’s Monaster Villa Park in BirminghamIn addition, the Paris is setting the remote task against St. Between the 6-1 Total Success.
Behind 3-1, the Bugge was originally drawing and the Bugge was actually given a challenge, but after being released from the goal of the 16th minute, they faced impossible challenge.
The second half, Marco Acensio Swying and the second minute will be from the close of the close.
Seven minute of Ian Matzen Sidefooted Villa, Cominarily Rashford’s happiness
Four decades in Europe for more than four decades, Villa will beat the French champion PSG
In the second year of Imria, the second year in the second year, the second year was the Borasia Dort in the second year.
Before winning the Beer Jurvi, the penalty spot can be scored to cancel the earlyst Open of Jonathan David, the winner won the winner and won the winner.
They will face Barcelona for a place in the semifinals.
Top was a brutal end of Fallle, thank you for a remarkable success about the best madrid, Atletico Madrid.