Amy Haf: Please do not be ‘memory and carny’ to trench and carny

Our country is intensively needed to a discussion that can be pre-empty Caprises of Trump’s ego

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How many weeks of the Prime Minister in the current trade war will be faced with US president Donald Trump? How much damage can the carnik to Canada at this time? Do you know how to handle the desires of the desires of Trump with world leaders?

The surrounders surround themselves by sikophens and surrounding it is a man that is expected to mean it. If one requires something from the trump, one is playing part.

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Last week, the previous days, the last days of hurting the US, in the last days of the ruling rule, the “Donald” addressed me as “Donald”.

At a news conference on US tariffs, Trudo Smile and Pointment: “Now, it is not in my habit to accept it Wall Street JournalBut Donald: Although you are a very smart person – it is very massive thing. “

Trump, was already the proverb of the Chinese shop of international affairs. Troudo Walespains the Costume Costume as a Made. In this case, it was an adjective for reinforce.

“Florida, or old garden beach, or we want to buy Canadian products and toe to the Canadian products and other classic American products. Yes, we will probably ripen the American national anthem. Turudo said.

The relative high level of a relative high level as Canada’s leader was born at the relative high level to end his administration at the high level of Trudo. Therefore, he added that the most great fake pass will be the largest fake pass in the fake fake pass in the presence of the President.

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It was planned to promote the Canadians to buy the national anthem of sports games. Truno is a skilled in Sports diplomacy as president trump.

Trump’s “memory” of Trudo’s “memory” and the truth is to the platform of the truth. Continuous posts, he Declared his respectAnd said that the tariff concessions, Mexican President Sheenbam and Trudo have conducted “a terrible job”, About the view of the Turudo’s leadershipHe said it is to see it “(s)

Canada is currently facing “mutual” tariffs in excess and internal.

The trump caused trouble with the Conservative Leader – and the other media complains that the future Prime Minister – does not give the quality of the future. “I don’t like what I’m saying about myself. This is not positive about me,” About Trump. Why Trump doesn’t show Polives, and what he showed he showed his show.Governor Trudo. “

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The trump may laugh and enjoy the Prime Minister troop through his last week – but the Canadians were not. Trump may hurt us, worse.

Trump is Muprofor – something I say with a deeply abundance of Canadian etc. “Trump is not ready to walk the world to walk,” disrespectful “is just reasonable to be ready to be prepared by the trump of the trump of Trump has been accused In the Oval office, the Volloiydmier was Sellaniki. This should be considered something that discusses with Trump.

Our country is intensively needed for a discussion that cannot be pre-emptied Capriz’s ego capricis – the man is prescribed to the “memory” – for God.

Carni made his first speech after winning the mountain rates and the metaphores are already through the design of hockey hockey. This is not a good sign. When we see the Canadians to make the Canadians around the Canadians around Trump, it certainly doesn’t go to the Snark and is not going to do it with Bombust to the man.

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What is more important: Carcome in popularity, or the economic future of the country?

Concern that Carney uses “President of Trump ‘: A problem with the professional and political records of Carna. Set aside the irony of the irony of the stone of Slognetrian – all politicians, why is the primary motivation in the elections to a large or low degree.

For the good of our country, please, carni, don’t remember Trump.

National Post

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