
Great Brother 2024/2025

February 20, 2025


Comparison between Alphonso de Apis, Tammaso Franci and Mariavittoria Mingetti in the chapter of Big Prades on Thursday 20th February 20. The trigger of D’Abis requested Signorini’s intervention.


In the chapter The great brother Surrender on Thursday, February 20 Mariavitteria mingettiOvarian Tammaso Franki E. Alphonso de Abex. In the last episode, before the removal, Signorini reminded the audience that Alphonso promised: “Mariavittaria assured me that Tammaso would leave for me“Despite the refusal of Mariavittaria, it did not please Tammaso.

Tammaso’s suffering for the words of Alphonso

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In the days that have now passed, Tammaso told Mariavitteria to swear that Alphonso lied: “Do you know anything about how much a thing like this hurts me?“. The competitor cried what happened:”I love you and I love you. I c ** o“. It is not easy for Mariavittaria:”This makes me go through **** one way, remove me from this house. I didn’t kiss him I don’t have a ca ** o“Live, Tammaso admitted that every time the talk was reopened for him, it was a dissatisfaction.

Alphonso may have said real things, but they may be environmental or may seem larger than them. There was definitely the absence of respect.

Comparison between Alphonso, Tammaso and Mariavittaria

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Before comparing Alphonso de Apex, Signorini broadcast a video that found a moment, which seemed to be one of them The complicity between Mariavitoria and Alphonso. In his phrases in Keepino: “You are the one who took me very much. I try to understand who Tammaso is and cannot be considered as my boyfriend. I want you to get close to me. Alphonso agreed on one occasion: “I like you“After the film, D’Bis met Mariavitoria. The former contestant said she was sorry for the discussion between him and her boyfriend, but Kefina replied:”This is inevitable, You pulled out to use this matter as a weapon. This inevitably created a destruction. You wanted it. Don’t say that sorry“. D’bis replied:

You didn’t respect the good that was there. You have betrayed me many times with the appointment and I went home. When I was very sorry, I pulled everything out.

In recent months, they knew themselves to understand whether he and Maui could feel the relationship outside: “Today I say I don’t have you because I love Siara so much (Sinko, NTR)“. Tammaso Franki has reached them:

I treated girls and my friends badly: “sooner or later I will find out what I love and make you feel bad”. They told me that I didn’t believe it, but it happened.

Cesara Bhuvonamisi intervened and agreed that she did not understand why Alphonso excreted these events two months later. Mariavitoria added: “Problem upstream, when he threatened me saying ‘I will show you, you are asphalt’“. Alphonso called her not to use excess words:”I said something that happened“Bhuvonamisi was hoping that it was too late to talk about it.

Alphonso de Abex and Alphonso Signorin’s reaction

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Tammaso told himself: “Videos I have seen now, would I have seen?“. Alphonso de Abex certainly did not assure him:”I can’t talk to you, but notBelieve me, there is nothing other than what you saw tonight. Unworthy of unwanted suffering“.


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