Julia Barbon and Christians
Chau Paulo, S.P. (Folhapress)
Less developed cities have received proportional more Pigs, and consider low transparency, and a survey of Foha D S Balo, with the values ​​distributed by representatives and senators of each municipality in 2023 and 2024, than developed cities.
This type of correction that goes directly to the municipalities without the need to connect with specific projects refers to almost half (47%) resources that are transferred to cities with “low” or “very low”. In the case of municipalities with “high” or “very high”, this rate is 32%.
Analysis considers personal amendments imposed by congressmen – to calculate the resources of the bench or commission – has been done in the last two years, and the Lula government (BT) has been compulsory.
In complete numbers, through the portal of federal transparency, $ 3.9 billion was Rs 8.3 billion donated to poor cities by MPs. R $ 14.6 billion was awarded to rich cities.
Small or less structured municipalities often seek the method of this amendment because it has a quick release, and when small or less structured municipalities often seek this amendment, representatives want to send them to the voter to show the results.
He says, “The municipality only says ‘awareness’ in the case of a special exchange correction (Pix), refers to the account and the bank, and the appeal will enter Kaisa.
“So the mayors of small or less structured cities speak: For the sake of God, this does not send me amendment for a limited purpose, and many representatives have already been mayors,” Adoji says that the recession is one of the reasoning of the recession. “The problem is that municipalities have no transparency.”
Generally, the value of parliamentary amendments has grown significantly since 2020. They have become the main power tool of representatives and senators on their electoral bases, and are used as a bargaining chip in the negotiations between the Congress and the administration, both like the Jaiir Government Bolsonaro (PL) Lula.
The influence of the Pix amendments has expanded, especially with municipal elections last year. But.
For example, the Federal Public Service Service has already opened the procedures for monitoring such funds sent to at least 400 municipalities and three state governments.
Folha D S Balo’s analysis passed the “dedicated notes” of amendments – for example, if the same donation goes to more than one cities – with the MHDI of Atlas Brazil, it receives long life, education and education. Despite the 2010, it is the highest code available at the municipal level.
The survey points out that 111 out of 5,565 municipalities in the country have received 100% personal corrections in the Pix system, rather than being binded with plans in the last two years. Of these, 41 have a “low” developmental code (in this situation there are no “low” HDI cities).
The three of them were in the interior of Maranho, Abonso Kunha and Perito, and Soreh in Cherto Toe Siyar. The first has more than 6,000 people and R. 14.8 million, which refers to R 2,400 runs per person, which is 5 times higher than the country’s average (R $ 438 for a resident).
Former Mayor Archimedes Baseller (BTT) says, “Calculation is not for the population,” says his family established the city. “If I get a correction from Kaisa Economy, I will face a line for analysis and take two years to recognize a plan,” he argues, he chose his friendly cotton sector Mediros (PL).
The former mayor criticizes the call of politicizing the theme of amendments, and that special transplants are greatly helping small municipalities: “Some funds and federal programs include cities with fewer than 20,000 people. If we were not Brazilia after the appeal”.
In 2022, the Biao magazine issued its administration to obtain additional funds by the SUS by 2020, which would get more funds next year. Baseller says this is a computer error, found that there is no deviation of a censorship and one of the highest study lawyers.
FGV editor Grossiella Testa, an expert in legislative studies, has a negative impact on public policies in Brazil, with actors and frightening managers in a so -called “blacksmith pens.”
“Part of the explanation (a high percentage of Pix Amendments) will find a way to use fuels in their possible areas. The manager applied and what was the appeal deviation.”
At the end of last year, after a conflict with the Supreme Court (SDF), the Congress approved the new rules to increase the transparency of the Pix amendments, which could not be used for employees’ expenses, to be used for investments and must be passed by Planoldo.
Now, representatives and senators of the amendments must report in advance of the material and value of transfers, which must go to the uncontrolled works. They are also subject to the evaluation of the DCU (Federal Court of Audit).
By early 2024, the company released a standard that determines the management reports that the beneficiaries of these resources were inserted into the site, followed by the receipt until July. According to Adoji, transparency from Brazil, if this is followed, can expand the transparency from this year.
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