New tax data has been announced that hundreds of euros will be paid to the government in social security allowances up to one million self -employed in Spain.
Similarly, you can withdraw a million more money. Conflicts 2023 Income Tax Income (called) DModulation In Spanish) Spain’s tax authorities are now working on the final.
The campaign for that year used a new contribution system, which means that anyone recorded Autonomy Social security payments were made on the basis of real income than a flat fee for everyone.
Read: How to Complete Spain’s Tax Income Income Notification
New step Data of the Ministry of Spain, Social Security and MigrationA total of 3.7 million Autonomy Half (1.83 million), which is affected by the allocation regulatory process, do not have to make any changes, the rest will be forced to withdraw the money or disable the allowances to be paid for 2023.
This is because one of the four self -employed workers considered the contributions made below the bracket in 889,553 and 2023 to their overall net income. They will now make the difference, reports in the Spanish media say this €On average from 400 to € 450.
This figure is significantly lower than that of the Spanish Self Employers Association (ATA), which calculated 25 to 30 percent last year Autonomy Since the new system came into effect in 2023, it has not been able to pay the right level of social security, it has to do Cough from extra € 1,000 to 200 1,200.
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According to the data of the Public Treasury of Social Security (DGSS), tax data shows that 23.85 per cent made social security contributions below their tax site. The remaining 26.85 percent, more than one million workers, pay more than the required amount, so the money can be withdrawn, which is average on average €600, or maintain the tax site they have selected.
Spanish online outlet 20 minutes About 430,000 reports so far Autonomy They have decided to withdraw money and maintain their contribution platform, and tax authorities explain that they are choosing better social benefits than cash compensation.
Borja Suarez, Secretary of State for Social Security and Pension, confirmed at a press conference while presenting statistics: “The average amount of money is withdrawn is below €600 and the regulations are slightly above €400. ”
Low -paid self -employed workers will begin to receive notifications from the tax authorities who inform them of their conditions from March. The deadline for the loan will be extended until the last day of the month following the announcement date.
Like social security and tax loans in Spain, victims can claim the deferring and pay in installments.
The new contribution model, which allows six bracket changes per year, seeks to be gradually changed to the contribution system based on actual income.
Previously, social security had to carry out a contribution regulatory process each year, checking whether the sites were adjusted with net income, and proceed with the amount of amounts that result.
By 2032, all contributions will be connected directly with the real income of each self -employed.
Read: If you are a couple in Spain, is it good to make a joint or separate tax notice?
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