After the fifth fifth of the fifth fifth of the famous stars, the fifth fifth of the famous stars was present in the aftermath of the fifth fifth of the celebration.
As soon as Venezuelan model’s family was trapped in Michella Roxana, she said Home of all the famous stars.
After a week, the businessman was summoned to talk about the details of his legal situation.
Alaska Genenzi says’ fears’ from detention ‘
“I’m afraid If the authority is introducing myself in a country I want, they are afraid of my freedom, I’m afraid of my freedom (…) I’m afraid that I didn’t silent, Venezuelan said I was not silent He was a threat Before one night.
Alesca Genesi Castelinos refuses to reopen the arrest warrant without proximity, this is “It is not justified, this abuse the force“Let us remember that he passed through the same process in” 2024.
In that sense, the lawyer Mario Enic Sellow CarolaThe Castelennens have already received two of his legal representatives, explains the media already received in the media already received.

Threats against Aleska Gen
One of them was in January In 2024, when he entered the country, the day when another had left Home of all the famous starsNominated her with other partners that have been charged there.
“(I knew what it was beautifully) and what it was beautiful. What happened?
According to lawyer, the second threat to publishing in Eiska’s social networks was the second threat to the Santa Martha Ackatlala.
The situation was very similar in both cases, so they completed the third threat. They already hit my freedom twice as soon as my innocence Even though I’m afraid, I’m not going to be quiet“Venezuelan influence the influence of Venezuelan.

Two complaints of self-defense are planning a generous complaints
All panorama has enough evidence to constantly deny the controversy in controversy You have planned two complaints Against those who are able to respond.
This week to raise two requirements to the CDMX prosecutor’s office: one By loss of freedom Who, someone else False of statements.
Lose freedom of liberty
The LCDLF from all stars LCDLF is to the Ales Jail from all the stars Santa Martha Akotalla.
On the Day of Reality) on 9 (From Reality) Armed arms and long weapons.

Expansion of statements against Aleska from ‘famous home’
Personal troubling of statements, the resistance of Genesis Home of all the famous starsHe explains that there are many contradictions about the two allegations of two allegations that witnesses and witnesses are accused.
One of them was the date that the events occurred. Law, lawyers say that the copy of the passport of the model, but she was traveling in Europe at the time, so it was impossible to involve.
“They say, the woman stole some watches and woman It was more than 10,000 km from this country. There is a trade of the interior ministry, and it has the Miss Passport, which is in its networks, “says Enric Sepel.
Also, there are another statements’ whispered to the accused party Sisters Alesca, Michele Roxana, Barbara Kastanos They took the watches of the businessman’s watches.
“He was called the manager of jewelry and declared three important things in the swearing language: ‘I don’t know’. ‘The seller who gave the news or allegedly knowing him. I am working on jewelry with 20 years of working by 20 years and witness. ” We don’t buy those observations in this jewelery ‘. It is in the oath of truth (in the European Union of Miami), “Sepper explains.

What does the Alesca Geneship blame?
A guidance brand Business Woman Arrested was accused of derives from the legal process that started in 2024.
The model is associated The alleged member From a K. 10, a decade from a KIBLII, was handed over to the Attorney General of the Reality Show from the reality show.
She was arrested for the same reason a year ago; At that time, the prosecutor’s office was explained that the stole of articles in the United States.
“Fggjcdmx is placed by the woman He stole the highly cheapest watches from a building in Mexico City, Which Perhaps sales in MiamiFlorida, “Reads a portion of the newsletter.