All decisions made outside Parliament ‘and PTI’ helpless’ government

(Clockwise from the top) Barrister Gehar Ali Khan, Omar Aieb Khan, Bilawa Bhutto, Sardari, Shibbli, Sharai, Apps, AFP / file

Prime Minister Chefas Sharif-led “Nisshaus-e-Insap (PTI) claimed Monday on Monday Monday.

His reference to the joint assembly of President Asif Ali Zardari Parliament. President’s president also called for the participants to prioritize national interests and set up personal and political differences for the country.

Zardari said the importance of democracy, Sardari said: “What is the best place to meet collective goals than this parliament? As a chosen representatives, you work as role models for the country.”

PTI believes that the Prime Minister Chefas Sharif co-led alliance government has no real power to the government, its leaders make an openness openly.

In the interference with journalists after the President’s address, it claimed to be an incomplete home, but they only attend the session only to register their protests.

According to the previous ruler, the lower power of the Parliament was not allowed to the Sunni Ithad Council yet so far.

The Opposition leader in the National Assembly said the country will not rule.

Ayyub said hundreds of cases against the leadership of the PTI: “Shah Mehmud Qureshi, Das Chowdhury and Mian Mehmood are behind Rashid bars.”

“The nephew of Hassan Niazi (PTI founder Imran Khan) Our workers are political prisoners,” he added.

He said that the lack of law of law was not invested in the country.

The leader said that the “wrong” economic policies was blasted over the economic policy, PTI leader said that two million people have left the country.

These two million people went abroad over Rs 4 million rupees, he said, converted to the sum of 2 billion.

The government was approaching the IMF for $ 15 billion dollar loans. 27 billion on the other hand left the country country.

Senate Shibbli Faas has raised questions about the federation without representation of the opposition leader in Senate Shibbli Faas. He said that the country has serious threats.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani People’s address was called president Sardari’s address, President Zardari’s address, says President Zardari addresses President Zardari’s address.

Asif Zardari as the first president address addressed by Parliament on the Eight time he added. PPP leader said that he had praised the President to improve the economy and pointing the presence of the President.

The PPP leader called the opposition of the PPP leader to be “critical” in the protest of the house.

“The behavior of the opposition showing that it is not interested in public issues and said this is not interested in public issues.

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