Minister agency for criminal inquiry (AMIC) as a result of the Mexican Navy Secretariat (Semmer) Capture About a criminal property Leonal “n” And The assurance of an important week of Arsenal in the Alta Reware Residential area of ​​Hermosillo.
Walked on March 16 and extended until the early days of the next day Cato order Derived from the investigation of the Attorney General of the State of Sonora. Operation allotted to arrest the arrest of Leonal “from Kurbanka who is alleged that the violence of people in Northern Sonora was alleged.
In intervening, authorities aRSNAL consisting of 10 long arms Two 9 mm Nang Gok guns, including 7.62×39 caliber 7.62×51, eight AK-47. 1,302 Useful cartridges, loader, portable radios, strategic clothing with relevant information to research, seized strategic clothing and documents.
In addition, two vehicles were captured: A Pick Up GMC Sierra and a Poloris Razor were used for illegal activities. All insured has made all the insured authorities.
Leonal was a shelter in the Attorney General Office in Sonora (FGR) in the Attorney General Office (FGR) in Sonora, where the process will determine its legal situation.