According to Ottawa, four Canadian was executed in China

Despite the mercy requests of Ottawa, China reported four Canadian citizens in recently.

We could see the GET the Canadian executions of China, “Melani Jolly told reporters.

The minister added that the case cannot provide more details for the privacy of affected families.

China Embassy defended executions that the Canadians were convicted of drug crimes in a statement in the Globe and the newspaper.

“Drugs – crimes are serious, and all over the world accepted the world’s extremely harmful to the world,” says the note.

“Crimes affected by drug drugs are always imposed by China and maintains ‘Zero 3lorence’ attitude with drug problem.

Last week, the office of office, was stated that former Prime Minister Justin Troode had demanded a mercy for China.

The relationship between Beijing and Ottawa had a tense.

According to the US court decision in the US court decision on SISionage Syrion paralysis, a high Chinese executive is arrested.

The allegation of Chinese intervention in the Canadian elections in 2019, denies such as Beijing.

© Angense France-Beach

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