
Maranna, Woody Allen, would say that the most elastic heart of the muscles. Due to that characteristic and indirect ambition, the only thing the expected is that, according to distrust, they are increasingly combined with more family names, and if they are considered to be considered, they do not sound.

Maranna gave one of the unins – the accurate it is to say “to the Yuns” because they operate in the clan – not more or less than the Senate’s yield. Rather than putting an unconditional, someone who owes them, we face the depth of a alliance.

If the surprise/disappointment of some of the supporters of the regime is real, they should start asking whether they do not realize that the commission is like a Ka Au Hatamok Ochova.

I mean, the characters like Ochova, a fighter for lust of green business, and a ghostist and ozoriakongista are already missing before the time of pure difficulty?

Today they say that Ochova lost the colorful commission of the Treasury for a representation collection effort that had passed a fast -paced bet a few weeks ago. Will it be?

Like the employees in the Green Business of Pvem, they will never act by their own decision (they are scared of independent will), often someone who has to pay the bear to stay to the national palace and find that their (?) Legislators will approve the false collection.

But don’t distract. We were in great shock (this is a proverb) caused the fact that Yuns would capture the Rambosa Commission that would contact the landowner. That is, Morena expands her operator Portfolio in abominable.

The abominable is not dedicated to anyone. Maranna is doing politics is a reminder, so swallowing the chariot is not occasionally food, but when elections in Varakrus, especially when the Moronistas want to establish themselves.

Yuns PRI and Pan. Who can say that they are far away from each other and from them. They are created for power, and yesterday they are part of his entourage if they are the founder of Morna today.

Does Maranna change the slogan or religion after accepting Yuns? No, there are slogans and slogans: for the parade and campaigns, the unity Moronista window went out long ago. In the same way you need to understand the signature of Ricardo Villainuvawa.

After being the rector of the University of Guadalajara, Villanuva comes to the Ministry of Public Education. That is, this will be a part of the government that has no partition with the party. Like the old days, Villanuvawa is like a militant PRI time.

It is part of the effort of the regime to form a coalition. The so-called university team in Jalisco has never been able to play a competition successfully. But it is good to give up the dead Roul Bodhila power supply.

That practical qualification is now being renamed by Villanuwa. In one of them, the UTEC Group is finally converted to a governor’s candidate, which is seen as Morena in Jalsco, a disaster to keep it soft. We will see.

Yuns in Varagruz, the Udk group in Jalisco. What to do to retain or enhance the power of Maranna. And policies, how to vittup when welcoming the piano artists? How much did some of these signatures have now been embarrassed in Morana.

Change of Yuns and Udk Group, V.A.




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