500 decided to hire 500 Turkey dancers for Film Zone in Bollywood.
The song will be the last song of Bollywood actor Salman Khan, appoint 500 Turkish dancers for this purpose.
This song will be the most important and most memorable continuous continuous continuous continuous continuity, and it is widely shot.
The film’s maker Sajid Nadiawala decided to be dancer of their song to present an unforgettable scene.
The first song of Alexander, which is the main features of Salman Khan and Rashida Masana, is already popularized.
500 Turkish dancers hire preparing for the last song of Alexander, which is known for the Best Nanthair.
According to the Filmfare report, Alexanders estimate Rs 120 crore in Indian rupees of Rs 120 crore, according to Rs 120 crore. The Rashida Mandana is charged with charge and Rs 3 crore.
In addition, the picture will be seen in Axilier, Anjani Dhawan and true Raj.
The image of Salman Khan and the Rashida Mandana on March 28, Alexander Id al -fitter.