MND reports in the business and financial activities of the country every day. I read and research for hours one day. Why is it difficult to actually mean in the economy now? The recent threats have not helped the quality of uncertainty in tariffs from the Trump administration, but confuse the original economic indicators. Let me explain.
In 2024, we recently reported the record level of foreign direct investment – it is good. The new investment from new companies was all this fact that the fact that the record level is reportedly reported. We have reported on the speedy growth of Occupancy in the countrywarward industrial parks – another positive. But in the minimum GDP projections of Mexico, we have recently reportedly reported. Improved companies, Mexics, Nestla, Santander, Santander, Santander, Santander and Amazon.
So what’s going on? How bad is Economic Economic? Or how good are they ?? To help make some light in these questions, I decided to spend a day in an industrial park near me.
I understand that hundreds of companies located across the country are located across the country, which is located across the country, which is my Little “One Industrial Park Market Research” statistics. But, I think it is what happens in the other parts of the country about what I saw.
San Miguel Business PolygonWhen the industrial park is known, a normal is not inevitable, but the park will be again? The Serman’s small ends of the Industrial Park spectrum spread over two stages.
In the Booming Northern areas of the US border, it is not located in the Booming Northern areas, but is not slow. It is located in a major city, but for 15 minutes from smooth, from the fastest growing quarataro. It is not connected to a main highway to a railway line. Anyway, if my first response, “Why do any industrial company here are located here, literally or hundred options elsewhere?”

I’m adding below 10 takes from the visit:
1. Provision of energy availability. The SM industrial park is blessed with permanent and available power. As we often report it, it is not a standard in many other parts of the country. There are industrial parks in the northern part of the country, it is strong enough for the land, but the lack of sources distribution. There has been a lack of lack of lack of lack of absence and green energy, in many parts, so many areas have been done a brake of growth. President Clayadia Sheenbam introduced a comprehensive energy project, which has been introduced in private investment in the region, and more green energy solutions and more distribution. This cannot be faster in the eyes of many companies.
2. Energetation needs to lead many industry parks. Now, the SMA park I visited now a natural gas line network to create more energy and provide other energy options.
3. Watty things. This particular park does not host especially water and water; The water used in the park is not from a city utility but will not be well well from the on-site. Companies in the park will give a cubic meter at 4 dollars for a cubic meter. This will be 50% to 75% in a regular industrial park in the United States. In terms of high expenses in many Mexican Industrial Parks, many companies set on-site reoratory solutions or more solutions for their industrial water use. Sonia tells me that each new company is installing these types of systems. One of the new customers in the park, a Food Produunester, a dedicated water line installs and provided their special water needs.
4. The variety of industries is a mind. In this a small industrial park, it is already – or immediately – the companies dedicated to pharmaceutical products, food, plastic auto parts, data centers and individual yards. Yes, you read properly and even water transport vehicles around the world are made in the mountains of the middle Mexico.
5. Lets understand the Kingdom of the Parent companies alike. Again, this is a small park, guardian companies Mexico, US, France, Germany, Switzilland, Italy, Argentina, Brazil and China.
6. Chinese come Much of China has written very much about the relatively small percent of the FDI from China. But a visit to this park has gained market access to the market for another in a different way – even though it is acquired. Two different European companies based on the SMA park were recently acquired by China-based companies. I thought many of the many Chinese Chinese often visits the tourists to the tourists, maybe contact companies in the park.
7. Park works a lot of people, but the profile of those who are appointed are faster. There are over 6,000 people working at the park. Already installing many companies already installing Automation and Robotics, new companies planned a significant automation. They still hire significant number of employees, but are looking for education and experience in Engineering, Computer and Robotics.
8. Each company in the park is developing. Adding new productive lines, installing new high technical or high capacity equipment, and the botany is produced. There is no “new” FDI, but it certainly helps to create more jobs and production.
9. Data centers are becoming next utility. In view of the calculation, the proximity of data center services are long and sufficient. There are currently two special data center customers in the SMA park. I will repeat it again: A small park in Serman you will get two special data centers!

10. San Miguel’s proximity is very good plus. Nearing an important airport, it helps to attract companies that the proximity of the UNESCO World Heritage City is the proximity of the UNESCO World Heritage City. 15 minutes of park from Central Serma is just 15 minutes, literally on either side of it. IMAGINE IMAGINE how the executives visit.
The day trip to the park is a fascinating. Despite the US mixed message, I was suspicious and the opportunity to Serman’s visit to Smma Park while watching the direction of the Mexican economy and the greater of the Mexican economy. We can expect the tariff problem, and the Mexican government gives more energy and consiation to energy and conspiracy. I see a bright future in the country with the right economic leadership.
Travis Bumbanek Is the CEO Mexico News Newspaper aEmployed or playing in Mexico for about 30 years.