Mark International Women’s Day on March 8 (or Women’s Day In Italian).
Even though not a national vacation in Italy, the event is approved in the form of celebrations and parades around the country.
In addition to conversations, your gathering and marches will work on Saturday, unique Italian tradition, according to the unique Italian tradition, and the men give yellow Mimosa flowers as a token of yellow Mimosa flowers.
To celebrate this year Women’s DayWe looked at the most inspiring females in Italian history – how they left the world to avoid the world.
Ethemilia Jentirchi (1593-1656))
A real artistic pioneer, artemicia jenya, to the art academy of Florence (Academy of Arts).
Although experiencing the brutal trial, she used her strong and dramatic images, even though suffering from distressing sexual harassment, it often kills a strong woman heroes.
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The domesticated art challenging the world and celebrates the world’s best example of the borough painting.
A woman is looking at Painl Borock Painer to the “Lukuria ‘through the artemisician Jares. Photo Bertrand Guai / AFP
Gazia Dleaida (1871-1936)
Born in Sardinia, Gazia Delaida was the first Italian woman for literature in 1926.
Her novels, rooted in traditions, the struggles of her home country, with the themes of love, sins and redemption.
Although women are in social career, she continued in her role, published by a nickname before he gained international approval.
Her works are a law of capturing the cultural identity and manifestation of humanity.
Rita Levi Montsini (1909-2012)
Neurobiologist Ritha Levi Mono in Pioneering Nuru Mundannikini Fascist in Italy continues to keep the anti-Jewish laws in Italy.
In 1986, in 1986, her fronting discovery of the nerve growth factors (NGF) wins the Nobale Prize in Physics and revolution Neurosule and leads to neurodeating.
Later years, they continue to be active in politics and linguistic education to women education and scientific research.
From 2001 to death, she served as a senator in the Italian Senate.
Levi lived for 103 years of age. Thousands of people attended her funeral in tour.
French Ambassador in Italy 5th December 2008 on December 5, 2008 on December 5, 2008 on December 5, 2008
Margarita Hack (1922-2013)
Margarita Hack is the first woman who directed the famous astrnitanous relief and Science Fair reposts in Italy.
They were famous for the stellar spectroscopy, but also her leading view of social issues.
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As a maritanist, a champion, as champion, the scene for the LGBTQ, and terrorisms and motivation of conventions and motivation.
In 2022, a statue of Hack was erected a statue of Hack in Milan – the first of Italy has been submitted to a woman of science.
Maria Montesori (1870-1952)
Maria Montesori was a physician, teacher, manhus, known for the calling of freedom, creativity, self-directed study.
In Italy, it was a medical degree in Italy and pioneered the ways of new teaching for children with special needs.
Today, 15,000 schools around the world follows the principles, and her tradition continues to influence modern education.
It was a Swadeshy lawyer for women’s rights, and three times were nominated for a peaceful gift.
The city of Montysori School in Paris of France. Photo written photo / AFP
Maria Getaina Accountancy (1718-1799))
Mary Aknowagani Gatieghana Aknaza Akkaigana Achinia AcziGana Achinia Aczi Klaus The Aqua Accounce Achzi
She hired her to the Faculty of the Bologna University, a university institutions one of the first women in the world.
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She succeeded in mathematics, but she was later led to life imprisonment.
Her heritage in mathematics remain, for she’s assigned to a special cubic level of curve – ‘witchcraft’ witch.
Theresa changed (1921-2013)
Teresa was prepared by a fascist fighter who was not understood during World War II.
She played an important role in promoting gender equality.
Her lifetime submission for justice and democracy continues to be inspiring today.
Elionora Denezica Pimental (1752-1799)
Elenora De Fosska featured the Italora Poor and Revolution that played a critical role in the 1799 Nevrolet Revolution.
The enlightenment and ideals of the French revolution have become one of the leading sounds that are arguing for independence and became one of the leading sounds in Naples.
She contributed as a writer and intellectual Napolitan Monitor –
In the revolution, the intervention of the ereman is a unique combination of intellectual and actisexuality.
Her commitment for these ideas is ultimately led to her arrest and death penalty after the fall of the short-term Noverayan Republic, but for her tradition or equality tolerance.
Samantha Crostoroth (born in 1977)
The Italian astronauts becomes the first European astronomo tours as the first European Women’s Commander of International Space Station during the 2022 myth.
Born in Milan, they studied mechanical Engineering in Germany and trained a fighter in the Italian Air Force.
In 2009, the European Space Agency joined the European Space Agency, and they have achieved the record of the longest mission of any European astronauts – in space.
A UNICEF Ambassador and polygluts, women in stem fields are a trail bar.
Featured her story in Documentary in 2016 AstroosamantaInspired to follow the innermost young women to follow career to follow career in space science and exploration.
The International Paris Airport in the Bojet airport in the Bojet airport in the Bojet airport is the Italian Astristry. Ludovic Marine / AFP
Nald ITI (1920-1999)
Nalded IOT Naldi was the most important figures in the postland of the campaign.
Regio Emilia, who was born in the Communist movement of Italy, was the first woman to president of the Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy.
An important figure in the resistance against fascism, a young papposition, helped the fight against the Fascist and Nazi forces in World War II.
Distributed food supply and objects to annual fighters.
After the war, Italian became the founder of the union of the union.
In time, the most powerful women of Italy’s war politics, argued for sexuality, social justice and democratic reforms.
Severe protector of women’s rights, divorce and abortion continued to be an important voice until death in Italian politics.
These are the shaped Italian women. Comment below to tell us about others that inspired you!