10 militants were defeated in Judola: ISPR


Thursday army forces were defeated on Thursday, who tried to attack the Chain Post of Kher-Paachanda (KP) to attack the Chain Post of the Judola area.

The statement located on March 13, the attempt was made by the efforts of the South Waziristan and Tank districts.


The attempt to access the check post “Kurgis Statement” forced to the rage of the blast of “Kuristhy” blasted rich vehicle.

The army uses the term “Khavapam” from the range of violent groups found safely in Afghanistan.

“Fighting one’s own troops have been sentenced to hell outside the reach of the range of the post of the post of the post of all ten Clarus of the post of all ten Clarus).

According to the report, the report was performed to eliminate any other extremists found in the area. Pakistan’s security force is determined to wipe out terrorism from the country, “ISTI

He praised all militants to eliminate all the militants to post off the posted of Jatadola Caject and President Asif.

The bold armed forces make successful activities to eliminate the Fitness al-Qawarij, “said the statement in the statement.

He expressed a determination determination until completely eliminated the extremism.

“The whole country stands in the war against terrorism.

ജന്ദ്ലയിലെ ചെക്ക് പോസ്റ്റിലെ തീവ്രവാദ ആക്രമണത്തെ പരാജയപ്പെടുത്തി പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ഷെഫാസ് ഷെരീഫ് പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി ഷെഹ്ബാസ് ഷെരീഫ് അഭിനന്ദിച്ചു.

The government will continue the designs of terrorists trying to create unresters in the country, “the Prime Minister said.

He said that the war against terrorism would continue from the country to complete elimination from the country.

In the determination of intention from the country, the determination of the country stands through the armed forces of Jakistani armed forces. “

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