Preserve the net on the net, there are multiple ways to play tennis, including the ralli and the rally.
Tennis is a sport that can play with your family and friends. Tennis a Best sport to keep healthFitness, strength, anticipation, what result.
Tennis is less health benefits compared to the race, swimming and cycling. Tennis burns 600 calories for an hour, making it an effective to work or take indoor cycling class.
Men light about 600 calories and women burn About 420 calories in an hour long game Singles tennis. You’re challenged mentally and physically in this sport.
This is also playing entertainment as professionally. Tennis has many achievements as a sport and profession. Tennis has health benefits. In this article, we explore some of them.
Tenn’s health
- Tennis improves joint health
- Increases heart health
- Tennis Board improves bone health
- Increases Aerobic, anaerobic health
- Increases reflexes
- Increases mental performance
- Increases the stamina
- Increases the memory
- Reinforces the brain
- Burning fat and calories
- Increases the immune system
- Increases the action of muscles
- Improving vision
- Reinforces the hold of hand
1. Tennis improves the joint health
Tennis play an important role in maintaining the conditions of the joints.

As the ball is standing Various court regions, players The game should be moved throughout the game and protects the ball.
The joints are stressed together, and reduces the risk of compounding related jointing associated with joint and jointly.
This activity is maintained and permits the ‘joint fluid’ Easy movement of joints, It improves their health.
2. Increases heart health
Indigenous people will help you to keep your heart diseases, strokes, heart attack, healthy heart.
Tennis burns a lot of fat, Increases heart rate, SHORT AND ANY ANIRABIC SPRINTS MAKE YOU ARE ENIGHTS.
If one goes one to two hours a day a day is playing up to two hours a day, heart attack, heart attack or heart attack or heart disease.
3. Improving tennis bone health
Tennis can increase the bone density before 30 and reduce the bone damage.

As well as the muscles tennis Showed to benefit the bones. In general, depending on the (NIH) 30, about 30 and about 30 peaks. It gradually decreases.
On the other hand, when the bone mass enables you to make the maximum of bone measuring before the bone mass is 30, and then translates to a slow bone invitation.
National Institutions of the Health of Hennis The burden of weight That’s good to build strong bones.
4. Increases Aerobic and Anerrobic Health
Tennis is eating oxygen Increases oxygen supply to muscles, Improve their performance and reduces their food rate.

It increases heart rate and improves blood flow to muscles across the body.
Moreover, it leads to the formation of many Coffillaries in muscle columnsSo the blood supply and flow of the muscles are getting better.
It delights the tired and increasing the performance of muscles. This promotes Aerobic health, it provides energy injections that enable oxygen use and quick responses and explosive power.
5. Increases reflexes
The body coordination of body coordination improves the reflexes of the body.

Various science studies have found it Benefits of tennis playing‘Due to health is active when playing different parts of their body.
Their body, especially their limbs, brains, should be developed and improved their reflexes.
As soon as the brain decided Beat the ball, The organs should develop a response to continue with opponent.
Coordination is very important if you are in the field or from the field. Different hormones come out during engagement and it helps to develop good reflexes Brains and body.
Different body parts can be trained and develop high-level coordination.
6. Increases mental performance
The tennis can cause continuous development of the tennis brain inside the brain.
Dr. Joan Fin, a professor Southern Connecticut State UniversityThe individuals believe that individuals should be known and diplomat.
Scientists in the University of Illinois, encouraged the development of continuous brain throughout life.
7. Increases the stamina
Through intervention in aerobic activities, the body is playing the way to improve the body. Playing tennis contributes to this stimulation, Improving the body’s ability To do other jobs.

Another benefit of participating in tennis is improving one’s stamina. Activities engage in body parts and strengthens tendons in muscles.
The Strengthen mineral calcium Invest and distributing and distribute to the bones because young people exercise.
The strengthening of the body improves the stamina and increases the risk of doing other tasks.
8. Increasing the memory
Tennis spreads the lives of various brain cells and improve memory in humans. A scientific study proved that Aerobic exercise increases Brain-derived neurotroporic factor levels.
As a result of participating in Aerobic exercises, new brain cells are produced in the hippocampar area, however, real brain cells are the same.
Neurotroporic factor protein can accommodate various diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Participating in the game is stimulating many different brain parts, allow them to work effectively.
9. Running the brain
By playing tennis regularly, one can Improve their ability to planThink tactfully thinking, dynamically coordinating, learning, behave, improve their memory and social skills.
Be prepared with tennis, creative, wit and your plan, strategically inclined, crooked, coordinate your body.
Tennis Playing Tennis improves the talent and skills of players The neural connections in their brain.
10. Calorie and fat burner

Most likely to be anyone can be able to be the Burn 400-600 calories per hour.
When you swing tennis can run the entire body, arrive, run on your racket.
This is a lot of calories because of a constant movement.
Heavy lifting, golf, cycling, volleyball, volleyball, or dancing people, the calories is more calorie than those who engage in other popular physical activity.
11. Increases the immune system
Will help the player’s immunity tennis Airways and lungs of bacteriaSo prevents the spread of a cold and fever. Physical activities to play tennis will help you to expose bacteria from the lungs and airways.
By doing so, you can significantly reduce fever, cold or something. Exercise Affects the immune system White blood cells. The white blood cells operate as defense against the disease.
12. Increases muscle activity
Tennis players A lot of moving a lot to reach the ball, it stimulates the muscles.

A player should work when playing tennis.
That Is impossible to play tennis Without using a lot of power without moving.
Tennis rackets Is self-heavy.
13. Improving the views
By focusing on the speed of the game, one can Improve their eyesight while playing.
Multiple studies showed that people who play the game is in the low rate of grooming whales, which usually cause view loss.
All ages can Get several qualitiesBut there are many cells that are growing in the young generation.
Focus on the balls and prevents people from making fun of the tennis game from making care of the game.

14. Strengthen to hold the hand
People Play tennnice has been strong.
When you hit the ball or if you’re applied or stopped if the opponent stops or you apply.
In tennis, the upper body constantly flows across the game, which increases muscles strength and prevents the loss of muscles Hands with hand improves the balanced state.
The tennis is beneficial for the human body. The tennis burns 600 calories for an hourThis makes it effective to work or take indoor cycling class.
People who play the game, focus on the ball, keep the people who are playing in the game and maintaining vision. Tennis spreads the life of various brain cells Improves memory in humans.