Tennis nutrition: solidly eaten – teniscal

Like other competitive sports, it is a lot of body power to balance a balanced macratrients throughout your daily food. Your exercise or matching to energy or energy to build your workout, compatible or muscles. Here is what you can eat as a tennis player daily to ensure the right nutrition and successful competitions:


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you returned from a workout or preparing for a match, you need energy to recover your muscles and increase your previous day. Aim to include your energy levels of blood sugar levels, optimal, rold oats, peanut butter, avocado, avocado and disclosure in your breakfast. Although drinking more complex carbs for your meal, drink at least 5 to 10 ounces, especially if you don’t thirsty.


To maintain your energy status for the upcoming training session of training sessions or competition requires sufficient calories. Due to a substantial interval between breakfast and lunches, you need to supplement a mix of healthy fats and 10% to 15% protein and other complex carbs. The good lunch of a tennis player should include healthy meat options like chicken breasts, beef and beef Different types of shrimp Fish like the tuna. You can enjoy them with a sandwich and salads. Add some apple juice or diary products to complete the nutrition module.


Snacks should be light, you should only be fueled only before dinner and should not be replaced. You can achieve light with a handful of nuts or pavement, bleed, yogurt, yogurt, or a protein mixed fruit smoothy. They will be a great option before and after the intense training session. Check to check whether you focus on drinking or focuses to drink or focus on drinking or your diet with more water-based snacks on your diet. Remember, Remains healthy in and out of court Even the election of your snail is even affected by your overall health.


The dinner should be the lightest food of your day. Your body is likely to be less likely to activate all the calories and your body can be easily cured. As a packed of malnutrition, you can always go to a pott saps with salads, brown rice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, beans, fried chicken and shrimp. Aim to add more complex carbs for your dinner.

Healthy diet is an integral part of a successful workout plan, as well as fueling for those tennis competitions. By ensuring a balance between your carbons, protein and fats, keep the whole day hydrated all day long, can significantly increase your performance and focus on the game.

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