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Fear of mistakes

James stood at the beginning, ready to serve. The lights of the stadium cast a sharp view of the court, intensifying the pressure of the moment. He felt his father’s eyes, the expectation of his coach and the weight of his desire results, which are deposited again.

In his mind, a whirlwind of doubt twisted when he was preparing to start the service. What if I have a double fault? What if I miss? What if it crushes a return? Fear of the mistake caught him a bad habit. James scared that he felt his muscles tightened when he visualized the disaster. James caused twice and gave the winning match.

1 Paralyzing the grip of fear

The fear of mistakes is an impressive rival in a contest- a voice that whispers in the ear, warns you of the consequences of the wrong step. For James and many competing tennis players, fear can be crippling. He steals the joy of the game, disrupts confidence and sabotages performance.

2 Errors such as Teaching Tools

But what if I told you that mistakes are not your enemy? In fact, they can be your biggest allies. It is a promising shift that James had to learn hard. James always perceived mistakes for failure, for evidence that he was not good enough. But as he continued to fight the fear of mistakes, I thought of his thinking. I taught him to see mistakes not as failures, but as invaluable educational tools. It took about a month for James to reformulate his thinking.

3 Power of resistance

Each double error and every network volleybre has become an opportunity to grow and improve. James learned that durability is the key to overcoming fear of mistakes. It was that after the mistakes and holding gravel to fight our concerns, it was about jumping stronger.

4 Good mistakes

It’s time to move your thinking from fear of mistakes to learning to identify good errors compared to bad mistakes. James learned that if he tries to boldly hit the right shot, it requires a moment and cannot perform, then it is a good mistake and acceptable.

5 Bad mistakes

When you miss the unscrupulous shot, there is a bad mistake. When you are trying to do the wrong shot in the situation, you are in it. James now recognizes that his bad decisions are bad mistakes. Learning the difference is essential during your journey to improve.

6 Playing according to your strengths

Tennis is a game of different skills and skills and recognition where you are, is the game converter. When you understand your tennis identity, you can play a game style that is customizable to you. The revelation of your strengths at large points is a top -of -the -range catalyst.

“I wonder that all the things that good athletes are missing when they allow them fear to stop them.” When they run away from fear, they do not take chances to change everything. ”

So, when we look into the depth of fear of mistakes, remember that there is no avoidance of mistakes; It’s about taking the difference between good and bad mistakes. It is about deciding on your tennis identity and practicing your strengths in the way you are expected to make.

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