I recently started working with a 19-year-old young man. As I always do to train a new player, I always do, and I will be through some test (formal and informal). I ask the players in a part of this process, and what kind of training they play, and they love to do.
Enough to be fun and this player indicated that the player was his preference. It is something he feels that he has lacked in his game – he arrived The right place ;). I say it’s funny because of almost the same sentence, he told me that ‘broken’ from the 10K run.
I don’t want to choose this player – when I think it’s my tennis, I ran a long distances. Truth, he may have made such a kind of training with other coaches or groups before.
But I care about how many different athletes, long athletes, how different the sprint. The explosive / explosive end of the Ernonomics spectrum of two activities.
You may have read some of my Previous job on this subject. If so, when I am improving tennis performance, you know that I am opposed to a continuous (long-Ish).
Now, before I stay, I should tell you that I actually enjoy running. I even had a 5k training of my own. Sometimes it suggests running at times and do for some purposes.
Most players (99), foods are enough, not athletic but not intensively enough or enough quality. Don’t compete at least high and high levels.
The race is wide
There are plenty of nonings when it comes to working activities. If broadly says, I like the classification system provided The ants:
1 – jogging: Slow-Ish run that can be retained for a long time period.
2 – Striding: Faster than jogging but not quite sprinting.
3 – Springing: Usually runs above 90% of a person’s maximum speed (maximum or maximum).
Here is a question for you – How much is your training in each section described above?
If you exercise for health purposes, it really doesn’t matter – hope you are active to include 3 types of modes.
If you are a coach or a serious tennis player, most of your working activities are 3 – my hope is to serve.
Below is why I believe it is very crucial, why should I Spring more times more often. I will split into expressions – 2 sub-sections of sprinted – players need more – every training variables need each training variables.
Spring (mostly) is not specific
Here is my first argument in this post. Tennis players Not Sprint the reason for the reasons of the specifications. Not Sprinting ‘Really’ Anyway, special to tennice. I say the word ‘Really’ Acceleration work is very special for what players will face in the match space. The court dimensions are more large than ever, so it is not uncommon for 15, 10 and 15 meters to drive a drop shot.
Then you can say, Tenness is a sport that should be based on a sport that plays the sport to respond to the environment, change more than one point. Don’t we give a big emphasis for that kind of training?
Perhaps the answer is really in question ?! If there is a lot of rapid movements in court, practices, practices, practices and private lessons, do they need to be beaten? Ever wondered why he thinks tennis from over vision, why is tenneas in the most injured sports? Because we are constantly performing the same activities, days and daytime.
Training contrast is a good thing. We often ask yourself – “What I can (or this player), make it to her / her game, it will balance her / her game like that to balance their body and improve their overall athletic?”.
Springing is my answer.
Power, injection, contradiction
Since we defined before, it is a strong stimulus. Maybe something else is more than training activity. This is a high army, fastest movement, which will establish a major pressure on almost all systems in the body. Especially, muscle, nervousy and hormone systems.
A Tally Spouse, Athletes found regularly bouncean, more explosive and athletic. Want to be more rnective from your split stage? Sprint. Want to be more elastic during service motion? Sprint. Want to go to more drop shots? Sprint.
On top of that, the track coaches (I enjoy too much experienced, sprinting injuries. This is due to the intensity and tense that produces during this activity. Want to make hampstrings more powerful? Sprint. Want to prepare the lower foot to change the direction jobs? Sprint.
Springing does not have to mention Sprinting in distances larger than the tennis Cort. I am not sure that the mechanism is here, but variety of this movement helps to lighten injury to players, keep new and perform better.
Types of types of types of Tennis
Tennis players don’t need to train the athletes like athletes – I don’t try to inform it. Track Athletes are very versa in spring and compared to the track to the track.
From conversations with other coaches – my own experiences of the sprints – it is obvious that the sprints are converted to the sprints – 30-50 meters. I know that is a wide range but the exact distance depends on the ages of athlete age.
Anyway, we look at regular sprints on something below 30 m. It will be formed as weak training (because the athletes do not get the opportunity to reach the speed of speed … ie they are still accelerating).
From about 35 meters, above, a tennis player usually reaches their high speed, and hold about 5 to 10 m. So if you suggest 40 m or 50m sprints, it is safe to say that a player reaches high speed, it’s enough time to get a strong ‘velocity’ stimulus.
I will not come too detailed here but my guidelines for acceleration + speed training for tennis players: