Donna Weakic Emma Nawararo beat 7-6 (5) 6-1Elevation Round in Indian wells on Tuesday. This is her best advantage in the tournament. Before, reaching the best she can doNd 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2014, 2024. Here you can see her previous results.
After this match, the head between Wakekick and Navaro goes 2-0 between the dona.
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Tennis scores in Indian wells
- Gaufff charuirsGopus – Mary SabbathSankagi (7-61 6-2)
- Lydmila SamnovSamson – Daria KasatinaKsatcina (2-6 6-3 6-2)
- Madison keysKeys – Elis MertonsMykans (6-2 6-78 6-4)
- Arya SabelkaSabalka – Lucia BronsetetteBronessette (6-1 6-2)
- Belinda BensikBensics – Diana JanetENERTIAN (6-4 6-4)
- SonoEagle – Polina CudarmetovaAt the Cuddemate (7-5 6-3)
- Miracle AnjuvaAs – Clara BasonThousandson (6-3 6-0)
- Quinwen shengSheng – Lulu SunSun (6-4 7-5)
- Elena EsvitinaSwaratolic – Daniel Rose CollinsRose Collins (6-2 6-4)
- Elena RibakinaRybakin – Catie BoorComrade (6-0 7-5)
- Jessina PoegulaPegla – Caensue WangWang (6-2 6-1)
- Iga SwingecBagp – Diramina YastharkkaYasmuska (6-0 6-2)
- Marta CoastierCostyew – Caroline DlehideDolhehide (6-3 6-3)
- Civil CarolinaIn a CIT – Kanta CycaoCiniyagova (7-5 6-1)
Come to come
- Jacklin ChristianChristian – Jasmine PoliniPaolini (0-0) – H2H details and statistics
- Emma NawararoCertain – Donna WickicWaikik (0-1) – H2HHH details and statistics
- Arya SabelkaSabalka – (0-0) – H2H details and statistics
- Gaufff charuirsGopus – Belinda BensikBensics (2-1) – H2H details and statistics
- Elena RibakinaRybakin – (1-1) – H2H details and statistics
- Elena EsvitinaSwaratolic – Jessina PoegulaPegla (2-5) – H2H details and statistics
- Quinwen shengSheng – Martha CoastierCostyew (1-1) – H2H details and statistics
- Civil CarolinaIn a CIT – Iga SwingecBagp (1-3) – H2H details and statistics