Arina Zabalakkal Cellows Against the Score 6-2 6-3 on Friday 6-2 6-3 quarter. Her most important advantage in this program reached the final in the final of 2023. Here you can see her history in this case.
Bilashosan added 143,500 after winning this match. As of the tournament, they have already scored 333,125. The next match
After this encounter, Sabalnanka and Samoova are 3-2.
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Tennis scores in Indian wells
- Miracle AnjuvaAs – Elena EsvitinaSwaratolic (7-5 6-3)
- Iga SwingecBagp – Quinwen shengSheng (6-3 6-3)
- Madison keysKeys – Belinda BensikBensic CCC (6-1 6-1)
Come to come
- Arya SabelkaSabalka – Ludy Milla SamsonoaSamson (2-2) – H2H details and statistics