Alexander Waxik succeeded for Alexander Waxik 6-3 3-6 for 6-6 for 6-3St. Thursday in Phoenix Challenger. His best achievement in this tournament reached the quarter in 2023. Here you can see his history.
The bunch added 1,850 people in the match after winning this match. After this victory he has already gained $ 4,610. If he succeeds in the next match, Alexander will get $ 7,780 per share.
After this confrontation, the head between the bubblith and the verb is 2-2.
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Tennis scores in Phoenix Challenger
- Railee OpolkOpolk – Arthur RintreRindrichchech (4-6 7-5 7-5)
- Corentin MoutSedent – Nicoleos BosillaBasulashlee (6-3 6-2)
- Hugo GustonGaston – Adam WaltonWalton (6-2 6-4)
- Rinky HiekataHigicata – Brandon HoltHoldt (7-60 7-63)
- Michael CookushkinUZAN – Yusumaka UctymaUphyyama (6-4 6-2)
- Joao phonesFrenseca – Milk KotowAngles (6-2 6-4)
- Elion SpecirriThey spacer – Li ThauPour (6-4 6-2)
- Before JacobFright – James DuckworthDuckworth (7-63 6-3)
- Colton SmithSmith – Alexander SheevchoChevoco (6-1 7-5)
- Roman SawlllSufferine – Christopher IbanksEubanks (7-62 6-1)
Come to come
- Alexander bookBublic – Alexander WookkVukic (1-2) – H2H details and statistics
- Pedro Martons goalkeeperMartine’s goalkeeper – Corentin MoutSedent (1-0) – H2H details and statistics
- Railee OpolkOpolk – Hugo GustonGaston (0-0) – H2H details and statistics
- Nano BointsThe Bournament – Before JacobFright (0-0) – H2H details and statistics