Indian Wells Almires Almares Almires Almires Almires Outside Semiyin

Spain in the semeter of Draper (6-1 0-6 6-4-4): a “help” of Jananic ”s throne

Challenne ankish

16 Marso – 01:31 – Milano

Jak Draper Carlos elimanates alkaran. 1000 attracts flies in the first final of a masters. There is no cap for Spain for the Spaned Hat in Indian wells, Iiberian is now the first time the world is the first world in the world. To return to the head of the ranking, the Champion of the Rolond Garos and Wimbledon won the international champions of Rome. With continuous continuous continuously shown, it seems less likely. The game was not lost to the alsets in this tournament.

Match of Alkorus

The first set of Al-Azaris was a very long Tamod Roara, which was a long tamd. The 21-minutely lasted black navel, and the time to get it from duper to 6-1. If the most suitable players in this regard, the champion has not taken the field in charge of Indian wells. The number of the first seven games of the Spanish judge: Even the second of the field, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, and the second is to invite him to take three of the world.

Alkaras waking up

The basis immediately accepted the basis in the second set. Or it had a very dangerous break in terms of giving a very dangerous break in the first match of partition. However, a champion is a sample, but al alran bus canceled the ball of a possible 0-1 of 0-1 possible with an ice. At that moment, the game has changed. Suddenly, there is no notice. Often happens, Dr. Carlos is the moment Mr. almak left-left and they were pain. Severged 7 games in the second set, the 7 games were slipped.

Draper hammer

In the third set, it was overwhelmed, the 1-1 was probably a decisive moment, because it was a decisive moment because of the semi-mes of the referee luckyanian. At the end of a very severe exchange for 15-15, but it has decided to draw the next night of the oilz, and it decided to drop it to replay. The Englishman took advantage of it, Brakato, 2-1 and Service. At that time, the British had as much mistakes as many mistakes as possible, while alkarus returned to the top of the first set. On the 5-2 of the two intervals, the 5-4 jack sold this time in the 5-4 jack, but the 5-4 jack is very disappointed, the best.

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