The Japanese Rio Takehada Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue, 677, Austrian Minji Lee, 277, Arase Japanese ahead of Japanese Sendes 278 (-10).
Takeda and results
Bevana Morosco won the same name in the second match in the name of the same name in Hien, 71 72 73 73 74, +2), in the second match of the season.
The Australian Cacacy Porter wins 281 (-7), 282 (-5), 282 (-5), 294 (-6).
Rio Tackda from Koshi was signed in November 2024 in November 2024. Both tours contain seven success of valid events. After three rounds, the fourth won a day at a high speed at a high speed and the best partial part of the day at a higher speed. The exploitation of exploitation received a check in the $ 2,500,000 prize pool for $ 375,000.
With the occurrence of the previous one previous one, Benadata Coresco (double bollies, two bolies, double bogies went back again.
The golf rules are relatively complicated with other sports, because they are near the nature and animals. The rules respectfully, sometimes consciously, but often inaccurately or negligence. In addition to the rules, golf in accordance with a conduct, usually means playing the game with respect to the golf course and other players. Etiquette is an important component of this sport.