Iga macikle talks about mental struggle in the post

Polish Tennis player Igu Sweongick shared anointed Instagram Post Post Post on the court, it offers a lot. The 23-year-old Athlete, known for its dominant was known for its dominant events, has been revealed to her mental welfare.

According to the Gujila, the stressions of the constant judgment and the challenges in conflicts. They portrayed an incident in Indian wells, where her disappointment saved her disappointment. Since his actions intended, the difference was expressed that the summer sports in such cases.

Beyond that, change about a difficult period last year, marked a doping case she described beyond her control. The experience left her feeling is left weak and that she spent as weeks in the sport. Despite these difficulties, the town shows the comfort of the experience of reflecting and growing.

This is her long message:

“My favorite tournaments are behind me. I move slowly with a lot of good memories and many more valuable memories.

I see there was a lot of talk about changes in my on-court character and feelings. Although I’m not well to explain myself, it is time to share my viewpoint to stop speculation and baseless theories.

First, about the incident in my last match. This is true in a way I am not proud. My purpose is not only that no ball is going to aim, but also bump it on the ground. I immediately asked the ball immediately and I contacted each other and my hired each other when we were regretting him. Many players have disappointed scates and tells the truth, I did not expect such severe judgments. Usually, I control such impulses, so I can say, and I have no experience, but also my goal of my goal will be misled.

Secondly, about the emotional expression. The second half of last year was very challenge, especially because of a positive doping test, my control has been taken away from the most sport goals. It was forced me to reinjust some things inside me. In Australia, in the past, in front years, I played without hopeless performances, but also acknowledged my work, not to go my way. Thank you for this mindset, I was very well presented and sorted to the final.
However, in the Middle East, the effect of my positive test will affect my rankings in the first half of the season (four000 level tournaments). This realization will make me feel uncomfortable. You can see it in the court in Dubai.

When playing in previous vigors, I know that the things that beyond my control is not the right path. I need to immediately identify this problem (quickly in their experience), making a faster than their experience) and to change the point of viewing anyone.
It leads me to two main points.

First of all, it is not something that you are doing, but forever. Sometimes we are carried forward to two steps, back one step. I face the new elements of this puzzle: situations change, and my experiences develop,
I develop and opponents develop, and I should constantly match constantly. It’s never easy and it’s a challenging for me now. Sports robots don’t play. I have an incredible seasons, but nothing comes out of being easy, and does not always be an outcome results. That’s life and it is sport. Sometimes I forget it.

Secondly, the constant judgment. When I focus very focused in the court, I call a robot, and I call a robot, my attitude has been in man. Now I have more performance, feelings or intrinsically and I suddenly hungry if I’m inwardly immature or crazy. That is not a healthy standard, I feel like hanging on a three months ago and spent the cry and wanted to step into court every day. Today, after all I have passed, I still process and contact those experiences. Will this change to change it? Perhaps because, I don’t see how much we love dividing, and I don’t see how much we love, create theories and strike comments to others. But few people who genuinely want to understand what I am experiencing it will understand it. Anyway, this external quality is certainly my criterion, and I don’t accept my team and me.

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Iga Swanke is 2025

Image Swift (a)

18 – 5Win / losses




23 years old


2025 highlights


Australian Opandhaine wells

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The world is ranked.2, I finally played lastThat In the marry of Mirraa Andreva in the semifinals (level) in the semifinals, Mirraa Andreva in the semifinals.

Currently, the year’s switch is won 18-5 match record. The best result of Ila Saara had reached the final in Australia in Australia.

Indian wells
The record of Swayan

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