How to add speed to your serve

Practically talking about serving

With the practical point of view, I really like to give only sessions twice a week (does not include regular methods that serve. Usually, they are configured in the way to consider physiology and motor study. Prerequisite Patuma + caution. If you try to improve the speed and precision (and even accuracy), it is suitable to do so in the tail end of the 90 min training.

Truth, I work with many old juniors and college players in the process of converting to the prospective of the world). Many players – especially in the early 20s of their teens / 20’s – the need to serve the power to serve at a higher level. I’m talking to 110s and above (miles per hour – MPH).

In today’s game, it will not be cut down – even in the Women’s tour. So the initial part of our dedicated ‘Serve the Service’ Direction + The speed / power is focused on improving speed / power not taken into account. In other words, if a player lost the service box, I am not overly concerned. We are still using a target (based on the motor study, such as Wulf + others), but the primary goal is to get the maximum purpose and high level racket speed.

Serve the session structure

It still depends on the goal of the serve session, we usually pass through the following range:

The total amount of work with the remaining ratio will take a while for an hour an hour. We don’t want to pursue any other without a break in between. Each Max requires rest (approximately 10-20). I know some college coaches and it asks to get more rest with effort to their players. Because, remember, if you can hit the more harder, it asks the body more than a squat (similar to the bar in the bar). More demand = more rest requires more rest.

If we are targeting in the center to serve and return, before serving and return, I can actually pass through a few continuous light.

The reason behind it is simple – if we work in target practice, we may probably go to play a type of poles. For example, we may work in putting a game in our serve session, then play a game to control the server to control only the wide services. This is more unpredictable but we play with competitive points, because it is more realistic.

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