The one Babolat Pure Drive It has been one of the most popular tennis rockets between Pro and Club for many years.

However, there are some disadvantages Purely drive Because it is a very stiff racket and is not the best in terms of control.

So today I thought I would look at one of the alternatives to a clean ride, Dunlop FX 500To see if this is a good choice for players who want to make a switch.

Dunlop FX 500 vs Babolat Pure Drive

Dunlop FX 500 vs Comparison of Net Drive Babolat

To compare the specifications of the rockets below I will use version 2025 Purely drive and version 2023 Dunlop FX 500.

I was surprised at the similar rockets in terms of rocket specifications, because the only differences were FX 500 with a slightly higher swing weight (321 VS 317) and the assessment of the stiffness of the frame (69 VS 68).

Comparison of rocket specifications

Specifications: FX 500 Purely drive
Version: 2023 2025
Design: Dunlop FX 500 Picture Bablat Pure Drive 2025 version
Head size: 100in 100in
Length: 27in 27in
Tied weight: 320g (11.3oz) 318g (11.2oz)
Weight: 321 317
Head heavy or head light: 4 points of head light 4 points of head light
Assessment of stiffness: 69 68
Power: Low to medium Low to medium
Beam width: 23 mm / 26 mm / 23 mm 23 mm / 26 mm / 23 mm
Composition: Graphite Graphite
Colors: Blue and black Blue and black
Sample pattern: 16 × 19 16 × 19
Type of grip: Dunlop synthetic Babolat Sytec Pro

Wavy weight and weight of rocking

FX 500 has a stretched weight 320g (11.3oz)which are only two grams more than a pure ride (318g (11.2oz)).

FX 500 also has a slightly higher swing weight 321g Versus 317g From clean drive, so the FX 500 will be slightly less maneuverable, but this is not a huge difference.

The length and size of the head

Both missiles have a standard 27 in length aa 100in Head size.

To balance

Both tennis missiles have 4 points of head light equilibrium.

Evaluation of frame stiffness

Pure Drive has a stiffness rating 68what is one smaller than the FX 500 (69).

If you have had problems with your hand or elbow in the past, you should probably better go with a less rigid frame than Wilson Clash 100 or Head boom mp.

Beam width

Both missiles have the same beam width (23 mm / 26 mm / 23 mm), which is good for energy production.

The power of power

Although both of these tennis missiles are in the low to medium range, I would say they are closer to the media than low because I had no problems with the energy in bringing up my shots.

If you are an advanced tennis player, you can find missiles that provide too much help with power and lack of help in terms of control.


Both missiles have an open pattern of 16 x 19, which should make it easier for you to generate TopSpin on your shots.

If you want to learn more about how string patterns affect the rocket, check out my article Samples of tennis rocket chains.

Where to buy?

Both of these missiles are available to buy in online stores such as Amazon., ‘ Tennis warehouseand Tennis point.

Rocket recommendations

As for the specifications, both of these tennis missiles are very similar, so you will not feel a huge difference between playing with one of these missiles.

If you are someone who is already playing with a clean unit, then I wouldn’t see any main advantage when switching to FX 500.

However, if you are someone who is trying to decide which of these two missiles you can buy, then I would recommend that you go with Purely drive Because the slightly lower swing weight will be greater for the average recreational player.

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