Eleena Esvitina has been described that one foot is injured and after returning from surgery.
The US Open Exit, 30 year old – some – some – surgery and closed 2024 season.
Since the return of the Australian Open, Sivitolina appeared in five tournaments – three earlier emits were taken in February. However, the world warms no 23, and it went to the Indian Welz Quarter Finals 5-7
Back to Tennis asked Sivitolino that it is difficult if it is difficult after surgery
“I think it’s too hard, because I’m a daily thing, because I am a daily thing, and it’s really a daily experience,” painful is one painful, “painful is something painful.
After successful rehabilitation and recovery, focused on the Sivitolina gym and became stronger. It worked totally.
“About to come to court, of course, I know, you know I know my team,” 30-year-old added.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian tennis star was the first WATHII.
Sivitola terminated victory stake in US seven matches by defeating Pagula. They will be able to do something against the Champion Mirhayova held at the winning stuck in nine match.