“You have to teach critical thinking”

Are experts to think about writing this book?

There was always a character in a character in all the family, and above all the family, and above. I was surprised to marveled in the circular and it was defended to be their speech and you believe in several times that this is a real expert on the subject. I call the brother-in-luv syndrome.

What reader did he think to work in this book?

The book is designed to anyone who is curious and wanting to study. To learn that, it is not necessary to be an expert in science, really is to think exactly for people who can be scientific, but from behind that verse, it left the phrase, and it is left from spraying and essay. My goal is to take a goal Accessible science, for everyoneRegardless of training. Therefore, everyone can read my book.

His academic training is the classical scientific to graduated in physics. Is it difficult to write this advanced knowledge to all accessible?

A precise maintained, but the truth is that most of this book is worth it. But I think it is achieved without making accuracy. Because the science is, even wonderful sides, even wonderful sides can even be comic. Therefore, I use daily example and cultural remarks to explain complex ideas without undue technologies. Some are right to do, but trying to keep the accessibility as I can. I say that always Product is similar to a good joke: If people don’t understand it, it doesn’t work.

Many people talk to the total safety of subjects that don’t read a scientific book

Has any topic of collecting in a more complex book to match the public?

There is a topic described in the book as a kind of puzzle because you think you understand it because you understand that you don’t understand something. This is the teacher dedicated to paradages. This is the chapter that I really write and most inferred me. As far as I worked, it is the most beautiful.

What does that chapter contain?

They are the classic irony of physics and one of the most well-known among the Shrood’s cat. One of the time our daily sacrifice is to understand that, in the other chapters of physics, we need to reach the humble level in the other chapters of physics.

How does the book do?

It is divided 69 issues with each other freeOrganized with the range of theme chapters, but written a manner to choose the most notice of the reader. I am interested is that these people do not have scientific training but create curiosity. That is, the chapters are not interrupted but everyone can read in order. In addition, I contain a small summary, double component of each chapter. First, the reader begins to determine if that sycology, reading, second, and chapter likes that problem. If so, you can address it. In addition, the level, most problems, most problems are pure and severe propaganda, they realized and are like a easy reading. There are other problems that you have more thorough or deep reading but pass it twice to understand it better. I always include knowledge before physics, biology or mathematics. Perhaps some have to inquire some idea on Google, but it is written in a way that everything can understand.

If you get knowledge, the student’s response will be more positive

Why is the downing-cragar syndrome to be too widespread today?

This is really a result of social networks, it is to confirm this in a page or Instagram. This effect indicates a positive reverence that increases the result. Social networks have a lot of their magnification for their magnification.

Is the opposite syndrome and cheater a problem?

The two ideas are closely related. Some individuals talk to total safety, for example, weather change or vaccines, recently current problems, and they often do it often.

‘Fake news’ today can bring ‘Brothers – Love’?

Of course. The fake news comes with fake myths. Additional information has reached a step wrong, because there is a lot of resources, there is a lot of resources to a point where there is no reliable.

In 69 issues of ‘the Science of Brothers’, especially anyone who surprised you in the science of brothers?

More than I said, a repeat and that repeated stars, in the first chapter of the book, the book is good on Sunday. That is, thinking that more alcohol is avoiding more alcohol and take another nail. It is not true, clear.

What purpose do you want to get with this job?

As above all, teach readers to develop critical thought, and above all, above all, not to share any checked information. If you have a “session” on social networks, for example, instead of negotiation, the idea is to disassemble using the data. Beautifully if a little humor. It seems to be essential for me. As Carl Sagan said, more than a comforting fantasy is better than a comforting fantasy.

As the “fake news” that causual myths. Additional information reached a phase that the extra info turns incorrect

During your query, do you have to give up any topic outside?

After all, I have been left, I have a lot of work, tells about local, Samora. For example, why is the Microsell, the voices of the Roman Sesk churches and how to cheese affects the wine or milk to cheese or process.

Is this something that is associated with your students?

They teach my personal perspective is that they are doing it. If they realize that this knowledge is useful, they will learn that if they think they will not serve them. So, I try to get in a little while to describe what we learn every day with their daily side. If knowledge is obtained, the students’ response will be more positive, but also open to study.

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