Two wings in metropolitat

Valvde started only one of the last five games. First one in Europeibi, one week before. Before relaxing the replacement of Girona and real social and Betis. In that order. But later, the bench against Rayo Vallikano, just 23 minutes at the end. Stay with radiography, because it is reduces weight. Despite all this, the player is still player with all the real madrid and more minutes (3.581 ‘MBAppĂ© above 3,438 ‘. There was no Stop For him, but at the end he did Pop. It happened to have been afraid of a long time. That Rupture. To the nursing.

A small injury. Some incaplined. 24 days with the left-feler bikeips between cotton. A similar pain with a powerful contract, invite you to invite you to think about recovery but enough to see a bad gesture stars. 0 to 100, a moment. With runraline before a possible revision. Crossing hard physiotherapy sessions. They are complicated weeks for the valver. But the matter ended. It is recovered.

The best in the world?

He will start in metropolitan tomorrow. Large night. Holding on the right, Analoti confirmed that “like to play”. He performed well there. Valvard has a significant strategic position, firmly and very vertical, coming to the arrival, ranging and dangerous. Everything is in the world’s best right. But it is not. “In the center of his future fields,” Anseloti replied. But he talked about a future … for a long time. In short, it will remain in that position. On that right. His.

Two wings in metropolitat
On September 18, 2022, Valvarde celebrates a target in Metropoline.Javier thought

All this started on Sadar

Tomorrow he will stop 24 days. Small and but the odd uneasiness. That puncture did notice it in Sadam; Don’t worry about mild and great. He fell off the return against the city of Manchester, but he stopped. He did what he did not do the 288 days he did: to see a whole game from the bench. In the Los Centness, at 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 36, the 36th League. But from there, Don’t stop. Played 45 games in a row. And 44, as an owner (He is only against the Cup of Cup.

Is 100%

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Walverde is always playing. It is undeniable. He is alignment. And ten more. There is no discussion. Giving normal levels tomorrow. They are suspended by 24-day relative but almost. The left femoral bikeips with that discomfort. Between the cotton. But this is completely redeemed. 100%. He will come from the Metropoline to the right. Maybe the bracelet will carry (This will depend on whether it is playing modrick). The player with the team is returning to eleven. What time is. In which night.

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