Three observations from Realty Shootout from Realty Shootout

Real Madrid Beat Atlanto Madrid To go to the quarterfinal / a fleet (1-0 eight) Champions League In the fifth season consecutive season. There are many fasting observations from success.

Edwarddo returns to the form of the gamavinga

Thank God.

We all know and love. We also wanted to see the best teams in the world, leading to Cobra tackles and slices. We are waiting for this version of Kalving. It is not too long but seems to be.

Real Madrid played such important games in all the season, but they could not find a game that was shining with them, especially from injury. This time, when stocks were in the high level of all time, the Kamavaja showed.

Filled the Kamavinda Stat sheet properly. In just 55 pieces, including extra 55 pieces, including extra 55 pieces, and two clearances, two obstacles, and two obstacles.

It’s not just the statope. It was in pitch. Kamavinda was like another player. He played such a mature game and showed each of the right decision of him, showed that shares were high. It is wise to see what is done with Football on Wednesday.

It is difficult to come from the Frenchman that it is difficult to see it difficult to see it is difficult to see it is difficult to see it is difficult to come. Refreshing performance.

Real Madrid’s U-shaped attack

As a result, the original shoulder fans, so the competition is complaining, but the competition – for its most volatility. The first half, especially the first half of the Real Madrid was the worst half of the Real Madrid.

They played to the power of Atletico. Rajbles does not allow RealFles in their defense operation, but Real Madrid is not allowed to be a talent of target, but Real Madrid was more lazy than in a large game. There was no urgent or intent from the forwards – both of them completely isolated all night – two-thirds and real Madrid could not collect a single chance.

For a team that runs the best attack in the world, it was not mere benchmarked benchmark. Winies have worked a better job for the winners to June and Cylian MBA, but you need more from them. In a single game, MBAppe and viilaicy does not appear good in a single game against Aleveretteeto Madrid, you need to do more. You need your best players to show in a game in this quantity, and they didn’t. The first half seemed not wanting to try at least try. It was the Atlet MasterClass compression Wine Bapping The distress. Even the rodrigo wants to be the most partner to be the most participants.

When the space began to open, the testimony of Real Madrid, the testimony of Real Madrid, I guess – Mbappe-looked a little more. He won the real madrid that the Vineicius JR SKD made two patient challenges, but the player who wanted to be the best in the world should do more. More than Vinciasses, more, did not change yourself for the night, and fasted from the front of the shooting.

Real Madrid is required for a means of breaking low blocks. If you can’t break them, press High, you can’t succeed against a single team, what can you do? How will real Madrid affect the best teams in the world?

The second half was better, most of the time was better, but the original Madrid is to do more with the original Madrid ball.

Penalty condom

I don’t have a lot to add it to. Vinisicians loose his sentence. He was the first time I saw something like that, instead of going for the low finish, it seemed to be a Top Corner penalty. This is a risky, in these articles I always want to talk to.

Wines are a good penalty to take a good penalty. He scored more than he lost than he lost, especially the best of great games. However, when MBAppe is penalty, the real madrid seems to be in secure hands. The athletics club and Liverpool have lost the mbap against Liverpool, and this argument hard to think logically.

I always have this problem with that using the Vinciace Junior. Ironically, MBAppe that lost some fine penalty than Vinisitian – I feel like a safe choice.

Anyway, the person who takes a fixed penalty for the original Madrid has shown that the one has shown. If it is mbappPe, stick with him in the season. If it is someone else, let us take it every one. Taking a case-by-case approach based on the form does not work in penalties.

Three of the World Cup final, but if it is the wins junior, I am so firmly firmly rather than the Carloo Analyoti down her foot and change all other matches.

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