The truth about you III: 15 March 2025

Introduction to Oscar:

Inssar: teach them

Jusianah: I’m tired.

EZEK XI: tell them the truth

Jusinchano: They don’t want to care.

Oscar + These xi: Teach them!

Jusinchano: Why? I am not their savior, they care and they will not read and they refuse to understand it. Why, waste of rubbish. My. Time? You know both of you – both of you left! Why? Because of this is there no difference. None of these things. Favorite mode is pointless and unlike mode. You tried. The two of you tried. Even if we all tried hard, they will always hate each other. Sincerely sincere? I am not better than them, trust me, I often try to remind the truth. I am constantly trying to be their reflection but where did it go. So I’m tired. I am disappointed. I’m upset. I lost my way. I’m getting angry – I always be angry. I lost my faith. I lost my friend. He will never return. Both my tears dry … Why? Why is this throne trying to repair this throne? Why should I keep it deepening?

Oscan: Because they will hear one day ….

Welcome to a daily Meetah – A place you want to hesitate to discuss footballs. Do not panic through overs RMCF bias. It’s in the name!

Shout to the modes who do wonderful work Valiaian Steel, Kungfucisison, Norobutbllo, Pheliejijah, And Jusino (king of models “).

The truths of you do. 3

Dear Mimi,

It is raining the place where I live, there is something about rainy days, and it takes out my worst version. I think my DT week will bring my worst version of my worst version of my dd, so endure me when I write a non-planned letter. This is easy for me when I try to protect my own peace.

The bower. Since I make rush to start all normal lucers, yes, yes, play the real madrid telescape. We can expect some rotations and we may not be able to do so. We may be raised, we should not be. Who knows? But we will all be all different nationalities, politics, social and economic backgrounds, we will rejoice. Real Madrid C.F.

To the real business on the hand now …

Xabi alononso. I am honest, I think I’m tired of this conversation. I agree, my participation, (Ums) are looking for something like “Galvanising” (insert the correct word lmao) (insert the correct word). To illustrate (to the hugs), this conco manager ranks is increasing with managerial ranks through manager ranks and a variety of trench to beat your Internet opponents.

Xabi alononso. This is extremely meaningless but I’m going to do it. Sabi alonso is a better manager to consider his young man. If anyone has it is telling you that it is not critical. It is an abomination. I believe I believe it is important to create spaces for honest conversations and debate. It is very important to me to allow space to the lecture. Some of you may disagree (so will be the same.

Sorry it was a bit tangancean.

In the current football environment XABI alonzo is a great manager. Bayar Leoponson is in Bayar Liverkusen in Bihar Lowerlaga in Bihar Liverzliga. Though the team had faced it to the 1979, the season was ranked sixth. The red beard Basue man livat Keyyan ran 51 years old. It all happened when the net exchange of 23/24 season. We can’t say that we are genuinely sincerely and say that the world’s best club manager is the world’s best club manufacture. There is no cystan + clope managing. Arctata won for 5 years. The XABI rejected them because the art slot is handled by liverpool. I’m not sure that the World Football is doing unpacked the world football without dismissing him. Cannot mention or go to any other (besides the carlo / pep).

Now, xabi alonso is a great Young Manager, it doesn’t come to errors. Yes, he sometimes crosses his innovations as bayeded in the CL this year. Yes, when you trust in his team, he is a strategic conservative this year. Yes, he does not have the manager experience with the elite yougo of the curvature of Real Madrid’s curvature. Yes, he is not perfect, doesn’t mean you will win the real madride than you manage a great manner.

However, You will not succeed in real madrrr. There have been managers with the perfect resended ress to win the Real Madrid, and succeeded in the original Madrid (ie Cessou). First-choice managers win (e.g. July LopTeugui) in Real Madrid. That is living life. You don’t always get it always but you try to put in positions of yourself to win.

I hope the conversation is dead how much is dead, I hope to discuss what potential tweaks. But at this stage, I will destroy a degree of loss of 3 games in his term. If we have a granular grading manager of a level, if it is very exposed, no one will have any madrid manager in this planet. Carlo is certainly eligible when the trophyllow in Napoli and Everton is not eligible. When he took over after Benitze, the sin was not eligible. Yet they succeeded. If Xabi is not successful, it should be next. If he does. He will be a better manager until the sound is melted.

All this turns to Carlow, it’s going to spend the maximum of 3-4 sentences. Yes, I think you should go to the end of the Carlow season (if he wins in a major trophy) because we don’t match our real performances. Yes, as I heard, I heard, I think I’ve seen more vocal than Carlow. No, I can’t guarantee that I don’t know, I don’t know better than Carlow. I know, I’m not ready to see our performances in another season that we are ready to try. I’m not a trophy Hondel, I don’t check our scoreline – I like to enjoy and win 90 minutes. Sorry for the high quality.

I was sad and now I’m crazy.

All who need analytically not to take out of Analytically: You know how good you are without another Champions Legis after the next 10 years.

I read this quote yesterday, and why I’m not sure why I don’t comment. But it provoke me. It really pisses me. This is less about this cargo. In this stage the Carlooin Discussion (as if we get) all of you don’t like each other). Even players, board, staff and the Real Madrid bus driver about this quote.

Carlo Analoty is a wonderful trainer, of course our most successful trainer and the best trainer received by the original Madrid. But he didn’t just do this. There are currently 3 in the world’s most expensive 5 people. The top 20 players can be high (only for 37). Before someone is telling me, you don’t mean you have achieved to Iber, “If we are destroyed, we will not be a pape for its best training. Real Madrid Institute Apposition won 12 CL trophies without him. Even the first Madrid manager is to win 3 in the century. Sthodan.

Before making it “Before making Juni is going to carlo.” He is only a better manager again but from all the people in the original Madrid … he can explain. Not to be quite clearly, Slonininininu Pearest, then Possibly Juni Kalafat. Everyone else can replace, because there is best expensive players. There are other better managers. There are other best Great Grounds (Does no harmless work don’t do a great job … this year is true. Last year was grass half). The only person I trust to lead us through a global pandemic to lead us to the Flintino, or to sell our long-term sources. As long as he still is in charge, we’re okay. This la liga is the best critical critical critical critical decisive of whether your team is better than the CL. A cl model is filled with discrepables and sometimes lucky luck. Last year, last year has a Borasia’s Clu final, Terci has no job.

I will end here because it’s too long. We can continue to honest discussions. Let me throw it for the balance … some carlo criticism is absolutely disgusting. You know who you are. Believe me, I know who you are. But we can try to try to avoid neglected subscriptions, we are talking to forget what the imaginary person around the world is tries to learn each other. I’m rambling, but I think I lost my faith in DTS, because I will win instead of transferring information – he evolved in all matches. It surpassed it as my view of my view. We all have opinions. All of these debates are actually meaningless and meaninglessly meaninglessly meaninglessly meaningless. IDK I like this word – exchange transfer of sights. Idk, life is trying to be different views and I’m okay. I’m not perfect but I am present.



For the fillifle

This is a bad idea. I know this is a bad idea but I do it anyway because I think I’m like Santa Claus. So you go here.

Face: A wrestler / actor is a wrestler / actor to encourage you to enjoy you. Suppose them as a hero or her hero. A child should be rooted for them and hope they will win!

Heels: A heel is opposite. It will be a wrestler / actor, you will encourage Boo or will not be successful. Assume this person as a villain or opponent. A child needs to root against them (except Thanos, but it was a lifest right to capital punishment).

Now vote:

Redundant Lessons:

Tr_madridsta: Teach … Teach them. Teach me.

Jusinchano: “Today, I’m not really teaching more … I guess the who you are, or such a-click that you’re like that is such as a click to not lose such.”







“I’m still not your savior.”

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