It is usually popular to confirm a football player in the present is better than the past. If we are already raising the best section of history, I don’t even say you. But in case of ThibutctoisAt least, you should open the discussion. Is it the best goalkeeper in the history of Real Madrid? The discussion is completely putting Beated CasillausMilagro goalkeepers need to increase their benefits with the Spanish team with the Real Madrid World Cup. But for those who discuss, for the thinkers, I’m involved in, and I have the best goalkeeper ever had real madrid.
Tibu was not in Madrid, but was not the only head of headers. 15 Belgian in 15th The Madrid 19. So Palus will be better soon after the current Real Madrid Gollekee. Then there is the most subjective plane, it talks about the skills as a goalkeeper. I dare confirm that Madrid has never achieved a goalkeeper and performance in almost all aspects of the game.
It is perfectly summarizing his last match in Metropolitan, because it was in Paris in 2022, but caught Madrid with a flawless security workout. It was as Atlixic to clear July and the company and the demonic shots and attlixico to the site of the Attetico hanged throughout the competition. The titles of the madrid and any aspects of the game were another night of defined as a perfect goalkeeper. All, after surviving a serious knee injury. The best goalkeeper in the history of Real Madrid. Without discussion.