The upside-group Group Pergolitis leader reaches the lesko to reach Lesko: Overstroad. Electricity Poker in Altamura
A super monday, a six-transfer of six, and the diversity of the mucespread. Here’s everything happened here.
Group a
Padova and the status of two points in Visenza (through direct encounter). In Angyno, the leaders will be brought from the board from the board (2-1) space (2-1) from (2-1) space (2-1). However, a balance from a great Leco, God stopped 1-1 from drawing 1-1, and it is a big parade of barloko (1-0)
The examination of the power is not changed in parallel of Isnaara and Ternana. Chianari Galo’s team Sirmi (4-0) affects five consecutive success in Ferara (4-0) in Ferara.
Group C
It is sufficient to escape the authority of the authority: it opens the cutcomen, shrimmer, trio-and felip, felip, felip, too late. In the next round, the power will visit the plane or visit the Seriejola).
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