Sad show on Sunday March 16, Sunday, Mosen Stadium in Montpellier. Saint-Etienen and Lucas Stasin led his team, leading his team (2-0), the referee Francois Lexter was appointed in meeting 63These Following smoke jets from the Play of Play, Montpellier support and follows the beginning of the fire on the stand.
“Depending on the decision of the public authorities for the safety of actors and shows, the meeting was decided not to resume”Raferry said in a press conference in the Match and Francais Letreer.
Pristod of the Francois-Sevice Luckle in a press release in a press release “Matching the competition and flee of TAU Pond Tribun”A “Condemned the facts in the greatest firms” The Moson Stadium and recalls “Steps taken before the contestment and especially the arrival of St.T ‘.
The journalist who was on the banks of the CRS companies who were on the banks of the Gibribun Des Ultras Di Beatle Paylaye, which was presented from a journalist from today’s France-Beach (AFP) from today’s stadium.
Stenkois players’ hotel caught in target
Suppers of all sorts of objects under President Lorent Nicole, followed by the support of all kinds of objects. After half an hour, the police intervened in Thou Gallery to evict all followers, interfering with police and calm in parking places.
The second AFP journalist referred to events outside the stadium. According to the statement from Prefector, two light was injured, and two of them were arrested.
From Sunday to Sunday, Sundays were shot fireworks on the hotel’s face to host the players to host the stencars. According to a police source, a dozen mortar painted with rape or injury to 3 pm.
A decision should be made in the Disciplinary Committee of the Professional Football League to decide the result of more arguments in thirty-minutes dispute. The commission may decide to re-play the match on the latter date.
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She may do a team of serious mistake such as violent behavior or serious behavior, such as violent behavior or serious behavior, such as violent behavior or serious behavior. The Montheigh Club, hosted by the meeting, reveal themselves in other sanctions like withdrawal points or a fine.
“This is unfortunately”
Coach Jean Louis Gakette arrives in Montpellier’s bedside in October 2024 in October 2024 “Unfortunately, it happened for a while. Not until some time, it is not, but it is almost reasonable ….
“Despite all the problems, you tell your self to get to your club, you will fight it. Today you will be able to get there. Today, you must recognize that the mission must have failed and does not have the quality of Both 1The 70-year intercessor technician, Dign Microphon. The Montpellier is already the ling 1.
In October 2023, Last 1 match in the Montpellier had already taken place against the clurmond. Clermont goalkeeper exploded to Mori Diakeeper and evacuated in a stretcher. Although he had replayed, the Montpare was convicted with a penalty point.
In November, in November, the match between the nantas was interrupted to play a few minutes to play a few minutes that will continue to play.