Membrero wins the masters of women, Williams gets men’s senior in 9 GMTBC Open

Winners All: Lisa Sappanity, First Runoop, Mahlene Membredo, Champion, Ladies Division; Joel Guevara, First Runnerap, Ben Williams, Champion, Male Senior Division. Photography of the Archie Perts

The Theathadings of the women of the women of the USBC’s KV SSS / CSS / Quri SIMTBC were successful in the KWrikrry Open Championship. Lucia East Baown Center.

The 7-game final was slowly slowed down 125 scratch score, but scored 245 runs in the third game to lead him to the main place. He scored 1377 runs for the 214s to get title.

The FST runs the FST in Slotba-GMTBC’s Lisa Santa in the Lisa 2.336 rcada is ventura in 1336; The dapne custodyyo, 1317 of the Sleetba, 1332 and Tintin Rables of 1317.

On Saturday’s senior finals on the senior finals, Akyan’s Ben Williams led to the crown in every way.

Williams keep his advance and satisfaction that he raises his opponents in the 8-game final.

Williams posted a total of 1783 total, and PBAIAAAAAA AJA A.

Other finals have established a struggle for a place in the second position, and becomes a severe struggle. But they are not close to expel the Williams from the top spot.

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