Inter-Rome, Leza-Milan, Miller’s comeback winners: Gakatata’s opinion

Two Milanchan win (this is), it is important to understand what happened before three coaches and Leza and Moza


9 Marso – 00:16 – Milano

Two bucket water to wake Milan. If the songing intermediate is under 2-0, shake both, come back, and win. In the last count, we just reached the sprint: win. But this fear was better for all teams, it was appropriate for the coaches – Former acceptance and sergio, now, try to understand what happened before the three things come before.

Inter-wain in Moses

Is incredible what happened, of course will happen to the interval. The most obvious game of this year seemed to be the first and the last one and the last one. In Mosoza, one thing in January market, one thing weakened in seven days, but a weak, and 14-2 in the last two matches (9 years in the last two matches). Nesta was defined and removed by the team, but internation was very serious, especially serious in defense attitude; Isgagy is not a coincidence made in the middle of the Isaggy race. When the mind returned to similar situations, the last one of the first was rarely lived in the history of football, and came to the return. Tingling and providential. From Ball to Napoli, but what happened to the first half of Moza.

Skudto, Napoli

About Napoli. He is calling with insems against Fiorontina, but this time it is imperatively unsusual, otherwise the Nerasari leave. In the last five steps, Gate conquered four points in the last five steps, but he is still there, and you’re still there; Today, the new man Gilmore will be carefully followed today. He will give a lot of Juvi Introduce: Bankonsi Championships; This day is doing well with Bergamochi (they won the last three) at home (not successful in the last five). The master gas master is pulled to pop. If he succeeds, scodeto will continue to dream.

Milan in Lecho

The Milan’s Milan’s Milan is a strange team: it works only when it is disappointed, or so. The Portuguese won nine games on the Bench – nine games – nine games – nine two games in these wins are a comeback. That’s not the case: In the five cases, they continuously from the final of the final Cap’s final to the Lease in the final cup of the interior. Instead they recover – to talk like that – a goal against Ju, and the championship of the Championships of Koma. In short: Notice to hit abortion and its millhea to hit the response. But you are a continual comeback, and as long as you do, are we sure only have good sides? Not exactly. Of course, the roses of rosonari is raised, and there should be a response skill and do not give up. But how do they often make a drawback? This has occurred eighteen ten times with pregnancy. Are your head, concentration and wrong approach or other reasons? Because of the leche, it comes from the tracks of the Normaliti, the origin comes with a kind of bulky, gentlemen, weaning garbage, Milad, Milan. On the other hand, the game is not a battle, but is always a game, the concero team is always difficult. The Milan’s Milan’s Milan remains a uniform team. The tricky of Max’s Pragamatism Sergio is overwhelmed in this Italian months. But he is not the only candidate of the bench. Fabricus, in others, like how long is uncertainty in society. They go to an expert and lead a bright young man. Koncreps to bubbles; A sampling a few years ago from those who use the champions to manage champions. At this stage, Milan tops the top, selects a line and choose a line and defend it. This is not happening during this problematic season. A Season with a model, an example of a model, the future, if we want to deserve a Milan to history.

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