He Fifty An infectious disease, very infectious disease and severe disease is caused by a virus. In 2017, the World Health Organization (who) was announced that the next time was arrived in the elimination of the next time, now, our country is now The second of the European Union has been diagnosed with end of the yearAccording to the latest data of the Ministry of Health.
In 2023, 14 dissections of Spain found in Spain. In a year, the figures were increased by 1,535%, because of the 229 authors arrived in 2024. And 142 cases of 142 cases were reported in 2025 (Between January 1 and March 9). The Dr. Maria del Mar TorkisMicrobiologist, spokesperson in the University Hospital in a Caruna Infectious diseases and clinical microbiology (Seamy), “We must be cautious, but do not panic.”
Measles exploding in the United States and vaccinations
The health conditions in the United States are worried. In three months this year, the centers for disease control and resistance reported 308 cases. In 2024, the total number of cases was 285. Most infections come from the eruption of Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
“Why is this global status, where Spain can increase the increase in Spain. The absence of vaccination is the key to the increase in cases. Vaccine Coverage To avoid the explanment of the virus, there should be more than 95%, “says Dr. Toms.
What happens when the vaccination coverage will be less than 95%? The Wires find ways to copy and affect people. Therefore, the main reason for the increase in the increase in the increase is vaccination decreases.
Spain and vaccination “are perfectly firmly firmly firmly.” It gives in two doses: one of 12 months and the other is 3-4 years. However, the second Less than 95% of eight self-government communities (Increases, Marcia area, Catalonia, Aragon, Lun Region, Basquenes, Cantrabria, Asturiace), both autonomous cities Suitable Y Not the Mella.

The first dose against the fifth day was 12 months and the second 3-4 years / Newspaper
Why people give people to the vaccine
For the microbiologist, it seems a part of the population because of the “religious and ideological reasons.
Measles a Very contagiousAlthough it may seem low, it does not give vaccination in children, especially in children.
Complications include:
- Blindness
- Encyfallitis
- Diarrhea
- Ear infections
- Pneumonia
Although these cases are unusual in Western countries, the specialist says that an adult is reduced to a ministry. Fortunately, the vaccine complications are essential. Vaccination is essential, not only to prevent the fifth.
This is a disease made of a class virus Morbilivirus. Measles usually appear in 14 days after the virus exposes the virus. The most viewpoint is a leading-old border.
The first symptoms usually last between 4 and 7 days:
- Rinora
- Toss
- Calm and red eyes
- Small white spots on the inner face of cheeks
The military eruption begins between 7 and 18 days after the exhibence of the military. It spreads for about 3 days until you reach hands and legs. This usually lasts 5 to 6 days until it is usually dim.

A child gets measles vaccine. / Fdv
Anyone should vaccinate?
It is important to review their injection documents, to not be completely vaccinated, if the 1970 was born.
Explanation was the walking of vaccination against the fifths in 1981. In the previous years, there was a monopent vaccine, so there is no real protection for 45 and 55. Before 1966, most likely “all the possibilities were” fifth.
To vaccinate in the measles, communicate with the professional professional of your primary care health center.
Since Vaccination of the Spanish Association (Aev) Remember, “Misles vaccine is not the measure of measures, so the vaccination should be provided to a person with two doses.” This is the opposite of pregnant and immune women, since it is a virus virus vaccine. In addition, do not give people of allergic reactions to some of its elements.